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在呼吸道的表面布满了微小的毛发,称为为纤毛。The airways are lined with tiny hairs known as cilia.

请本台东亚编辑西莉亚·哈顿讲一下他们的故事。Our east Asia editor Cilia Hatton told me their story.

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每个栉板都是纤毛组成的矩形的桨。Each comb plate is a simple rectangular paddle composed of cilia.

似锥低颈吸虫焰细胞的纤毛数为115条,宫川棘口吸虫为125条。The number of Cilia was 115 in H. conoideum, 125 in E. miyagawai.

许多原生动物利用伪足、纤毛或鞭毛能运动。Many protoctistans are motile, using pseudopodia, cilia or flagella.

但是,当纤毛由过敏或花粉热而功能下降,您将感到鼻塞。But when cilia slow down with allergies or hayfever, you get all stuffed up.

健康的皮肤,粘膜和纤毛是许多病毒的天然屏障。Healthy, skin, mucous membranes, and cilia are natural barriers to many viruses.

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比方说鼻子,纤毛可以帮助粘液从鼻腔流到喉咙。In the nose, cilia help to drain mucus from the nasal cavity down to the throat.

在纤毛尝试清除吸入颗粒的时候,它的运动会导致咳嗽。As the cilia attempt to clear out the inhaled particles, it can lead to coughing.

你看零头儿为什么老是男孩儿的打扮而且从来不留头发?You see odd change son why forever the foppery of boy's son and never stay cilia?

Cilia指定了一个横跨在河上的小型人行天桥,并约定午夜见面。Cilia named a small pedestrian bridge that crossed the river and the hour of midnight.

这种咳嗽可能会持续几个月,直到纤毛完全修复。This coughing may last as long as a couple of months, until the cilia are fully recovered.

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非专一性防卫机制包括使用皮肤,纤毛和黏液,胃液及吞噬细胞等。Non-specific defence mechanisms involve skin, cilia and mucus, gastric juice and phagocytes.

微管还用于建造中心粒,基体,纤毛和鞭毛。Microtubules are also used in the construction of centrioles, basal bodies, cilia and flagella.

目的研究滴通鼻炎水对蛙口腔黏膜纤毛运动的影响。Objective To evaluate the influence of Ditong nasitis drop on frog palate mucosa cilia movement.

室管膜上皮细胞表面可见较多的纤毛和大量的微绒毛。The quantities of cilia and microvilli on the uneven surface of ependyma were reduced obviously.

看到书评区有人在吐槽为毛不推那些女女。See writing reiterate district something at vomit the slot as cilia don't move those female female.

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某些原核细胞能够在液体环境中自由游动,由鞭子似的纤毛和鞭毛推进。Certain eukaryotic cells can swim freely in liquid environments, propelled by whiplike cilia or flagella.

宇文逸凡也不喜欢小堂弟的毛躁,对他也没有什么耐心。Yu text Yi any doesn't favor the little cousin's cilia as well rashness, likewise have not persistence to him.

一个解释是,在肺部修复的过程中,密布其上的细小毛发---也就是纤毛---再次开始工作。One explanation is that as the lungs heal, the microscopic hairs lining them — called cilia — begin working again.