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肱三头肌使手肘伸直。The triceps straighten the elbows.

但是锻炼又是怎么养成的呢,还有健美紧凑的三头肌?But the exercise—and those toned, tight triceps?

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它身体两侧是有着紧胀三头肌的结实臂膀。Compact arms with bulging triceps hung at its side.

肱三头肌使手肘伸展,伸直手臂。The triceps extend the elbows, straightening the arms.

屈臂时,肱三头肌为对抗肌。When bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist.

分离和确定UPS的三头肌肱三头肌Puch的。Isolate and define triceps muscles with triceps puch ups.

刚才我们练了我们的三头肌,下面来练一下腹肌。So we just work the triceps. Now we are gonna work the abs.

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刚才我们练了我们的肱三头肌,下面来练一下腹肌。So we just work the triceps. Now we are gonna work the abs.

在本文中,我们将采取三头肌下推的密切关注。In this article we'll take a close look at the triceps pushdown.

今天早上我听见他做俯卧撑,后来还跟他的三头肌说话。This morning I heard him do push-ups, and then talk to his triceps.

在这篇文章中,我们将仔细查找在说谎三头肌的延伸。In this article we'll take a close look at the lying triceps extension.

双手间距离越短,你的肱三头肌会参与更多。The narrower your hands are placed, the more involved your triceps will be.

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如果你训练,可以说周一周二和三头肌胸,你是正式健身房白痴。If you train, lets say chest on monday and triceps on tuesday, you are officially a gym idiot.

是的,好吧,但是在我们日常生活中细看她的三头肌前这点是毋庸置疑的。Yes, fine, but that was pretty clear before we started examining her triceps on a daily basis.

俯卧撑可以锻炼胸、肩膀、腹肌、三头肌,而仰卧起坐主要锻炼腹肌。Push-ups work the chest, shoulders, abs and triceps while sit-ups predominantly work the abdominal muscles.

例如,伸出手臂,同时拉紧二头肌和三头肌并保持5到10秒钟。For instance, with your arm held out, tense your biceps and triceps at the same time and hold for 5 to 10 seconds.

实验拟进一步观察嗅鞘细胞移植后6周脊髓半横断损伤大鼠后肢小腿三头肌组织形态学的变化。To observe the histomorphological changes in hind limb triceps surae in rats with hSCI 6 weeks following OEC transplantation.

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上个月和现任男友艾力士·罗德里奎兹浪漫约会的卡梅隆·迪亚兹,秀出了她那线条分明的二头肌和三头肌。Cameron Diaz showed her super ripped biceps and triceps last month while on a romantic break with her current boyfriend A-Rod.

利用倒V-Y成形术延长肱三头肌腱可以恢复肘关节的活动范围。Satisfactory elbow motion was restored with inverted V-Y plasty triceps tendon lengthening on the left side which was more severe.

巴蒂斯塔被迫放弃他的世界重量级冠军,因为一场严重的肱三头肌遭受的伤害在手中马克亨利。Batista was forced to relinquish his World Heavyweight Championship due to a serious triceps injury suffered at the hands of Mark Henry.