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一个人死后就会重新投胎回到人间。Once you die you are reborn.

里包恩已经去了那里了。Reborn has gone there already.

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每天当你意识到有人在你身边关爱着你时,你便和爱与喜悦一起重生。Each day you are reborn with love and

因此,即使网络消失了,它亦获得了重生。So even as the Web died, it was reborn.

它就像是从内到外脱胎换骨一样。It's like being reborn from the inside out.

那花又会在夏日的阳光下重生。The flowers will reborn under the summer sunshine.

不对,等会儿,我想上面说的是“乘着烈焰之翼浴火重生”。" No wait, I think it says "reborn on wings of fire".

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拉科塔已经重生为一个自由与主权独立的国家!Lakota has been reborn as a free and sovereign nation!

像度母一样,她发愿常转世为女身利益众生。Like Tara, she took a vow to always be reborn as a woman.

明天将穿上新的草鞋,好似获得重生一般。Tomorrow will be wearing new sandals, as if reborn general.

具有如此的恶业,那怎能再生于天堂?With such negative karma, how could he be reborn in heaven?

当他年老死后,他转生为谢尔戈的一个夜魔。After his death from old age, he was reborn in Sheogh as an Incubus.

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天鹅在神圣伊甸园低鸣,在梦幻岛重生。Swans lowly yell through holy Eden, reborn in never-land. Slytherin.

猪已经死了三次了,照理说,不能再生了。The pig had died three times, and accordingly he should not be reborn.

大地之上玛门野兽将重生,数目将会暴增。And the beast reborn spread over the earth and its numbers grew legion.

喀弥喀里说,一个人如果行为像禽兽的话,他会以禽兽的身份重生。Karmically, one can be reborn as an animal if one behaves like one too.

并且他会从此时底部劳拉的站位处复活。Then let Totec going to die. and from bottom Lara standing position reborn.

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但是,他原先的第四位妻子出生名门在死后投生为一只生活在森林里的瘦鹤。However, Well-born had died and been reborn as a slender crane in the forest.

两年后,南京汽车集团被上汽集团收购,MG这个品牌再次获得新生。Two years later, NAC merged with SAIC and the MG marque was once again reborn.

因为你内心的某些东西必去死去,这样另外一些东西才能重生。because something inside of you has to die in order for something to be reborn.