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2011年11个动机引例More Motivational Quotes for 2011

你的动机行为是什么?What are your motivational triggers?

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你可以访问克雷格在动机演讲家上的博客。You can visit Craig's blog at Motivational Speaker.

今天,我将要看11个动机引例。Today I want to look at 11 more motivational quotes.

非技术性动机的演讲者总是伟大的!The non-technical motivational speaker is always great!

萨尔蒙德由一名励志演说家开始建立自己的职业生涯。Salmond has built his career on being a motivational speaker.

没有通过两极化,你能到达动力激发的顶峰吗?Can you reach this peak motivational state without polarizing?

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在侃英语的过程中我掺进了一些励志的东西。I have put some motivational and inspirational stuff in my blog.

我们该怎样写一篇真正有煽动性的煽动演说词呢?How does one write a motivational speech that actually motivates?

意大利打算用吊索和弓箭作为激励疗法。Italy intend to use the slings and arrows as motivational therapy.

他是一位富于鼓动性的演说家,一家大公司的副总裁。He was a motivational speaker, and vice president of a large company.

动机心态反映并驱动着我们生活中的方方面面。The motivational mindset unfolds and drives every aspect of our lives.

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当这个发生时,记住这些跑步格言中的一个。When that happens, remembering one of these motivational running quotes.

他也成为励志演说家,把自己从那场苦难中学到的经验、教训和感悟传播给更多的人。And he shares the lessons he learned from his ordeal as a motivational speaker.

其实,用几个简单的动力诱导战术就可以实现。However, this can be accomplished easily with some simple motivational tactics.

我听了,这也许是我听过的最好的励志录音。I listened to it, and it was probably the best motivational piece I ever heard.

最佳的建立自信的方法之一是聆听一篇充满激情的演讲。One of the best ways to build confidence is listening to a motivational speech.

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一个主题可以是一个传销公司,付费点击市场营销,或动机报价。A theme could be an MLM company, pay-per-click marketing, or motivational quotes.

阿内森是为企业,学校和非盈利组织励志演说家。Arnesen is a motivational speaker for corporations, schools, and non-profit organizations.

即便如此,安柏瑞还是决定离开棒球场,并走进激励人心演说的世界。Even so, Embry stepped off the baseball field and into the world of motivational speaking.