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即将过去的2007年,是催人奋进的一年。Over the past in 2007, inspirational year.

茶桶,将此增入于感应类中。Detong, add this to inspirational category.

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我们都有自己喜欢的励志名言。We all have our favorite inspirational sayings.

影片具有启发性,而且有一种特殊的艺术美。It is inspirational and has a special artistic beauty.

以下是弟子文英的一个感应事件报告。Disciple Boon Eng reported below an inspirational event.

因为他们是灵魂的启蒙者,是美好梦想的缔造者。They were inspirational figures, dreamers of beautiful dreams.

阅读励志文章,作者是三位懂得排除烦恼的女作家。Read inspirational essays by three women who learned to let go.

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在侃英语的过程中我掺进了一些励志的东西。I have put some motivational and inspirational stuff in my blog.

以日记的形式记录了贵图子珍贵的灵感创作!Record the inspirational creations of Gui Tuzi in form of diary.

用你最喜欢的图片和鼓舞人心的话语装饰。Decorate it with your favorite pictures and inspirational quotes.

BBC制作人杨莉在本期节目中采访了两位在英国的优秀中国学生。BBC producer Yang Li talks to two inspirational students in the UK.

但要鼓舞他人,你并不一定非要救死扶伤或赢取奖牌。But to be inspirational you don't have to save lives or win medals.

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听刘芳的演奏会是一种真正的艺术享受。Liu Fang's playing is an inspirational experience not to be missed!

阅读一段励志益智的读物,以激发自己积极进取的动力。Read something inspirational to create positive energy for yourself.

激励型领导创造“我能”的态度并使得经营成为有趣的事情。Inspirational leaders create 'can-do' attitude and make business fun.

充满着催人奋进和鼓舞人心的创业故事的一年。A year full of invigorating and inspirational entrepreneurial stories.

他是一个才子,经常写一些有关军事,情感,励志的诗。He is a gifted, always write about military, emotions, inspirational poems.

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而在国外,他仍被世人广泛视为鼓舞人心的形象。Abroad, he is still widely seen around the world as an inspirational figure.

岁的泰勒斯托奇的故事是如此令人心碎和鼓舞人心。The story of 13 year old Taylor Storch is so heartbreaking and inspirational.

在这些小说中表达的主题是有启发性和冲击性的。Themes expressed in these novels can be both inspirational and heartbreaking.