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真正的隐士是一种罕见的病。The true hermit is a rare aberration.

现在看来,这只是短暂的畸变。Now that looks like a brief aberration.

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我认为有一个原因能解释这种异常。I think there's actually a reason for this aberration.

塔哈里认为伊斯兰共和国行为有误。Mr Taheri views the Islamic Republic as an aberration.

而且日照市的太阳能热水器并没有什么特异之处。And Rizhao's solar water heaters are not an aberration.

我们在筏子上对这些反常天气见得太多了。On our raft we have witnessed this aberration only too well.

无色差,更标准化和规范化。No chromatic aberration , more standardized and standardized.

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球面像差能破坏光刻的成像质量。Spherical aberration can damage image quality in photolithography.

自适应均衡可以校正信道产生的畸变。The aberration can be emended by adaptive equalization technologies.

在这一方法中,波长移动产生的波像差达到最小值。The wavefront aberration caused by wavelength shift has been minimized.

球差系数决定了最佳聚焦点的位置。The best focal point is determined by the spherical aberration coefficient, and.

对不起我迟到了——我一时头脑糊涂,忘记了今天要开会。I'm sorry I'm late — I had a mental aberration and forgot we had a meeting today.

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稳不退的油不朱质量是把持色不差的关头成不合。Stable envirogluvtm quality is a key factor in the control of chromatic aberration.

我们倒希望告诉你食品价格高企只是暂时的失常现象。We wish we could tell you that higher food prices are just a short-term aberration.

对平面变栅距光栅的聚焦特性和像差校正原理进行了较全面的综述。Summarize the focal property and aberration correcting ability of VLS plane grating.

介绍了非球面波像差测量的原理和装置。The principle and system of aspheric wavefront aberration measurement are introduced.

当心那偶尔centaur-like畸变造成从出没的定居点。Watch out for the occasional centaur-like Aberration spawned from infested settlements.

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不论这种孤雌生殖方式到底是进化中的歧途还是一种存在争议的策略。Whether parthenogenesis is an evolutionary aberration or viable strategy remains debated.

介绍了二元光学器件的阿贝数和相对色散与普通光学玻璃的差别。BOL devices and ordinary optical glass have different Abbe number and relative aberration.

三角高程测量高差值应进行球差改正。Elevation difference by trigonometric leveling shall be corrected by spherical aberration.