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他就是一个淫僧。He is a nasty monk.

那些食物好恶心。That food is nasty.

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那是个可爱嫡魉疤。That is a nasty scar.

这是一个污秽的时期This was a nasty time.

这些人们很令人不悦。These people were nasty.

这是一个恶毒的地方。This is one nasty place.

那个令人讨厌的老婆子是谁?Who’s that nasty old woman?

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老人邋里邋遢。An old man is a nasty thing.

你那样说,真是坏心眼。It's nasty of you to say so.

这个令人讨厌的老婆子是谁?Who's these nasty old woman?

他一想起这就大为光火。He turned nasty at the thought.

她对他的刻薄话很生气。She bridled at his nasty remark.

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天鹅可能给你严重的一啄。Swans can give you a nasty peck.

一个龌鹾的家伙,从背后开枪打死了他。A nasty guy shot her in the back.

滚开,你这个讨厌的小鬼!Buzz off, you nasty little child!

你没有闻到那垃圾有股怪异的气味?Doesn't that garbage smell nasty?

主动脉瓣狭窄是一个讨厌的疾病。Aortic stenosis is a nasty disease.

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但后来情况就非常糟糕了。But lately things have turned nasty.

他患了一阵子感冒,很难受。He is down with a nasty bout of flu.

如果你不服从他,他就会发脾气。He will be nasty if you disobey him.