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证券借贷方如何赚钱?How does a Securities Lender make money?

那么你有一金一贷放款。Then you have one loan payment to one lender.

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放债的比借债记性好。The lender has a better memory than the borrower.

但是他们的贷款人表示,他们的信用风险不好。But their lender said they were a bad credit risk.

他们是否从非正式借款人那里借钱?Do they borrow money from an informal money lender?

“放贷人住在社区里,”他说。“The money lender lives in the community, ” he said.

如果你不,贷方将排除在回家。If you don't , the lender will foreclose on the home.

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房屋业主和债权人两者都面临着更大的破产风险。Both homeowner and lender face a greater risk of bankruptcy.

两边赞成,此金额是告贷人所负债务地第一步。The parties agree that this sum is a debt owed by Borrower to Lender.

华夏银行当然不会是最后一家要融资的中资银行。Huaxia will certainly not be the last Chinese lender to raise capital.

拍卖行为在我看来就是出借方的一个紧急自救行为。It is hard for me to see this as anything other than a lender bailout.

倘使拒付错了,你们应当偿付我方的银行利钱。You ought to pay us the lender interest once payment is wrongly refused.

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富户管辖穷人,欠债的是债主的仆人。The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

好吧,但是为了整个经济着想,一个借款人总比一个贷款人要好。Fine, but for the sake of the economy, better a borrower than a lender be.

法官认为贷方有诉诸法庭或重新占有汽车两种补救方法。The lender has a remedy either in court or through repossession of the car.

10月10日,法国和比利时分割了Dexia,一家债务缠身的银行。On October 10th France and Belgium dismembered Dexia, a long-troubled lender.

告贷人应付出给贷款方在25日地每个月。The Borrower shall make payments to the Lender on the 25th day of each month.

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本条例第18条列出关于放债人作出贷款的规定。Section 18 sets out the requirements relating to loans made by a money lender.

他正寻求成为首任非欧州的国际货币基金组织主席。He is seeking to become the first non-European to lead the international lender.

他们将高风险贷款提交到精通风险贷款的下级主要贷款方。They refer high-risk loans to a sub-prime lender who specializes in risky loans.