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妇女的参政权,1873Women'sRights to the Suffrage 1873

她在平等选举权联盟中一直很活跃。Mary was active in the Equal Suffrage League.

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在英国,女性投票权是在1928年确立的。In England, women suffrage was established in 1928.

在当时,除了这些妇女本人之外,没人想过妇女也应有选举权Nobody is yet, except these women, thinking of female suffrage.

日本妇女自获得参政权以来,已有近60年的历史。It has been 60 years since Japanese women have got the suffrage.

各位先生,请告诉我,选举权属于谁?Now gentlemen, pray inform me, in whom is the right of suffrage?

我们认为到2012年应有全面的民主参政权。We think we're all ready to implement universal suffrage in 2012.

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最后,有产阶级是直接通过普选制来统治的。And lastlythepossessing class rules directly by means of suffrage.

她受到伊利莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿的鼓励,开始倡导妇女投票权。Encouraged by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she advocated women's suffrage.

因此,普选制是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺。Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class.

说真的,妇女拥有选举权并不会增加政治上的混乱。Women suffrage will not, to say the truth. add to the political confusion.

在美国,基督徒女性充当选举权运动的先锋。And in America, Christian women stood at the vanguard of the suffrage movement.

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美国要用上一百八十二年才达致全面普选,让所有十八岁及以上的国民享有选举权。In the US it took 182 years to achieve full, universal suffrage for everyone 18 and over.

总统经全民直接选举产生,任期七年,可连选连任。The head of state is the president, elected by direct suffrage for a term of seven years.

她穿著一双平跟鞋,看上去好象是早期为争取妇女选举权时代旧相册中的人物。She wore flat heels and looked like a page out of an old album of early woman suffrage days.

不丹的投票权是特有的,以每个家庭而非个人为单位,每家都有一票。Suffrage in Bhutan is unique in that each family-unit, rather than individual, has one vote.

斯坦顿任妇女投票权协会会长达21年之久,为争取妇女权利发挥了先锋作用。President of the Woman Suffrage Association for 21 years, she led the struggle for women's rights.

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在美国殖民地时期,政治参与是占社会少数的富裕的成年白人男性基督徒的特权。In colonial America, suffrage was privilege enjoyed by a minority of white male propertied Christians.

不过,如果因此认为扩大选举权是一个必然的或一帆风顺的过程,那可就错了。It would be a mistake, however, to view the expansion of the suffrage as either inevitable or peaceful.

可怜某些玩普选的人,不识这个游戏的规则,自然是撞崩头。Some of the poor play of universal suffrage did not know the rules of the game, naturally, are collapsing.