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杨照加入了这股洪流。Yang Zhao entered this onrush.

如果门是向外开的,奔跑的人流本来应该能够打开大门。If the door opened outward, the onrush of girls would have opened the door.

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技术洪流总是滚滚向前,浩浩荡荡,无法阻挡。Technical onrush always is billow forward, vast and mighty, cannot hold back.

单项突进必然引发矛盾,配套联动才是首善之选。Single onrush begets contradictions, matching them is the election office in the capital.

大风伴随汹涌的水流,也会对土地造成冲刷效应。The high winds that accompany the onrush of water also have a scouring effect on the land.

终于,王与公司的众兄弟投入到抗日洪流中。Eventually, the numerous brother of king and company is thrown in the onrush that fight day.

喂了对抗这股狂流,达尔文的纽约展企图画出界线。Against the onrush of this madness, the Darwin exhibition in New York attempts to draw a line.

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许多来自世界各地的游客们经常光顾位于美国和加拿大的尼亚加拉大瀑布,以观察其水流的汹涌澎湃。Many tourists from the world frequent the Niagara Falls in the US and Canada to observe the onrush of its water fall.

她僵硬地接受了碧丝的拥抱,她的心跳得更快了,她的眼睛因为冷气的冲突忽然刺痛起来。Stiffly she suffered Bess's embrace, her heart racing harder, her eyes suddenly smarting from the onrush of cold air.

谁拥有人才的优势,谁就能在知识经济的洪流中觅得先机,从而确保竞争中的强势。Who has the talent's advantage, who can be found in the onrush of intellectual economy first machine, what ensure competition is medium thereby is strong.

但是,即使畅游网的IPO能获得成功,也不太可能马上引发中国公司涌入美国市场的洪流。But, although have a good swim, the IPO of the net can score a success, cause Chinese company unlikelily also to swarm into the onrush of American market immediately.

她走到门口,碧丝站在她前面。她僵硬地接受了碧丝的拥抱,她的心跳得更快了,她的眼睛因为冷气的冲突忽然刺痛起来。She went to the door, and Bess stood before her. Stiffly she suffered Bess's embrace, her heart racing harder, her eyes suddenly smarting from the onrush of cold air.