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球队宣布他们在当地时间星期三签下了这位26岁的球员。The team announced the deal with the 26-year-old Carney on Wednesday.

问道射杀的合法性,Carney读起了已经准备好的报告。Asked about the legality of the killing, Carney read from a prepared statement.

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他们一个叫查理-卡尼,一个叫史帝芬-艾斯特洛,同事多年,友谊甚笃。They were Charles Carney and Stephen Estelow, old working companions and close friends.

她也被称为圣母小教堂,曾经是卡尔内岛教区的天主教文化中心。It's also called as Notre Dame Chapel, and it was the catholic cultural center of Carney Island.

白宫发言人卡尼再三表明,美国和巴基斯坦之间的关系是相当“复杂”的。White House spokesman Jay Carney has repeatedly called the U. S. -Pakistani relationship "complicated."

今天,无重大经济数据公布,但美联储成员达德利和皮亚纳尔托以及加拿大央行的卡尼即将发表公开讲话。There are no major economic releases today but Fed members Dudley, Pianalto speak and BOC's Carney speaks.

卡尼对媒体表示,这个与基地组织有关联的组织同时也要对上个星期发生在喀布尔等地一些袭击事件负责。Carney told reporters the al-Qaida-linked group was responsible for last week's attacks and a number of others.

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在周三白宫的深入情况报告中,Carney拒绝深入评论冲突的细节。In a further White House briefing on Wednesaday, Carney refused to comment further on the details of the combat.

许是潜意识作怪,要遵守他对卡尼许下的庄重诺言,要绝对证实已经死亡了才埋。And a subconscious effort to comply with his solemn assurance to Carney that he would be absolutely certain of death.

可是在星期五,白宫发言人杰伊·卡尼发出告诫说,不要指望马上达成协议。But on Friday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney cautioned that an agreement should not be expected immediately.

Carney周二说新消息每分每秒都在更新而且“人们也在观看收听这些新消息”。Carney said on Tuesday the updates were "minute-by-minute" and "they were looking at and listening to those updates".

白宫发言人杰伊·卡尼警告俄罗斯,如果不将斯诺登交出来,两国关系将受到影响。The White House spokesman Jay Carney warned Russia the relations will be damaged if it does not hand over Mr Snowden.

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Carney上赛季在费城打了68场比赛,在场均12.6分钟的上场时间内得到4.7分和2个篮板。Carney played in 68 games for Philadelphia last season. He averaged 4.7 points and 2.0 rebounds in 12.6 minutes per game.

在16日的“首秀”上,卡尼本想祝贺梅尔“入宫”25周年,但由于略显紧张,把这事忘记了。In the 16's "first show", and Carney wanted to congratulate Mel "palace" 25 years, but a bit nervous, forget these things.

但白宫发言人杰·卡尔尼表示,问题在于共和党人在增加高收入人群税收上没有实际行动。But White House Spokesman Jay Carney says the problem is Republicans are making no movement on raising taxes on high incomes.

确切地说,如果市场稳定下来,且银行间拆借市场的流动性获得改善,加拿大央行或许会暂停行动.To be sure, if markets settle down and interbank money starts moving more fluidly, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney may take pause.

接替吉布斯的人选将是杰伊·卡尼,而吉布斯最终将担任奥巴马总统2012年竞选连任的顾问的角色。The replacement for Gibbs, who eventually will take on a new role advising the president's 2012 reelection campaign, will be Jay Carney.

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卡尼说,该小组全面搜查了这座占地一英亩、拥有两座建筑物的据点,在行动中一屋挨一屋地进行搜查,总共持续了接近40分钟。The team methodically cleared the one-acre, two-building compound, moving from room to room in an operation lasting nearly 40 minutes, Carney said.

Carney称,奥巴马及其政府官员正在参议院同两党议员密切合作,以确保该故障保险计划能在国会获得通过.Carney said Obama and administration officials were working closely with both parties in the Senate to ensure the fail-safe plan could pass Congress.

白宫发言人杰伊·卡尼表示,联邦调查局正在进行进一步的检测,初步检测结果表明信件中含有蓖麻毒素。White House spokesman Jay Carney says the FBI is conducting further tests to confirm the initial readings that the letters contained the poison ricin.