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花是大自然最美妙的礼物。gift of nature.

大自然很聪明。Nature is clever.

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到大自然中去走走。Get out in nature.

好运自然来。Good luck to nature.

而是一种自然法。It's a law of nature.

花点时间回归自然。Spend time in nature.

它们是自然法则。They are nature laws.

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曾有人性居守。Has human nature been.

他天性爽直。He is frank by nature.

教养赛过天性。Nurture passes nature.

配价的本质。The nature of valency.

等等同类问题。Things of that nature.

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杨宝热爱自然。Yang Pao loved nature.

习惯成自然。Habit is second nature.

茅塞顿开,回归自然。Has a return to nature.

泌尿学。Nature Reviews Urology.

人定胜天。Man will conquer nature.

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春天使万物复苏。Spring wakes all nature.

只有自然和孤独。Only nature and solitude.

比如本性之类的东西。Things like their nature.