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不同的是incandescence指“从内部发光”。The difference is that incandescence means “to shine from within.”

白炽电灯的关键部分是灯泡里的钨丝。A fine wire heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp.

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到了现代,这一论争发展到了“白炽化”的阶段,成为研究的焦点。Today, the controversy runs to incandescence and becomes focus of research.

任何关于它缺少光亮的报告都是那些开放媒体的幻想炒作。Any reports of its lack of incandescence are delusional spin from the liberal media.

它是电流把灯丝加热到白炽状态而用来发光的灯。It is the current state of the filament heated to incandescence and is used to light the lamp.

谁不想从刺眼的人造光中拜托出来,而沐浴在阳光中。Who doesn't want to be bathed in the sun's rays and be relieved from the harsh incandescence of artificial light?

短短一瞬间的黑暗中,听到一声撞击,随之,这两只玻璃杯粉碎成了火焰,燃起炽热的火光。In the brief instant of darkness there was a crash, then a flare of incandescence as the glass beakers shattered into flame.

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正是六月的时候,导游向我保证说,我们会在水中和月光下行走来对付沙漠中的炎热。It was June, and the guide had assured me that we’d cope with the desert’s incandescence by hiking in water and hiking by moonlight.

面对日趋激烈的市场竞争,以及不断变化的市场,人力资源的竞争已近白炽化。In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, and changing market, the competition is almost incandescence of human resources.

激光诱导发光的方法是测量燃烧过程中颗粒浓度的有效方法。The technique based on laser induced incandescence is an effective method of the particle concentration measurement in the combustion process.

但可惜的是,这两种观点虽然探讨、商榷了近三年,但并没有就此达成共识,相反却有白炽化交锋的趋势。Unfortunately, these two views while exploring and discussing the past three years, but did not reach consensus on some of incandescence between trend.

白炽是被使用的因为这是一个容易的方法去影响材质颜色的全部外观,而不直接安排在自己的颜色通道。Incandescence is used because it is an easy way to affect the overall look of the material's color without directly dealing with the color channel itself.

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球形粒子是由小滴吹刮或者由在高层大气中被摩擦加热到白炽化的陨石挥发并重新凝结而成。The spherical particles are swept as droplets or volatilized and recondensed from a meteorite as it is heated to incandescence by friction in the upper atmosphere.

如,财富在短期内向少数人集中,金融风险迅速向国内银行集中,社会不同阶层矛盾对立与冲突白炽化等。For example, shortly minority concentrated wealth, the financial risks to domestic banks on the rapid social contradictions between different sectors of the conflict incandescence.

迫于京、沪、深、穗等大城市房地产竞争白炽化,南征北战式的异地开发在国内大量涌动。Under Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other big cities competition incandescence of the real estate, land development in the domestic fight up and down the country-style large black.