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是夸克和反夸克。It's quark and antiquark.

震撼者投放夸克炸弹。Shockers drop a single Quark Bomb.

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给出了几颗低质量裸奇异星的候选者。A few low-mass quark star candidates are suggested.

当一个碰撞撞击出一个夸克时就会形成一个喷注。A jet arises when a collision kicks out a particle called a quark.

他曾研究过超新星、夸克物质与星系间的气体云。He has studied supernovae, quark matter and intergalactic gas clouds.

超高效的粒子加速器将于80年代投入夸克探索的工作之中。Superpotent atom smashers will undertake the quark quest in the 1980s.

强子分类,强子的么正对称性,夸克模型。Classifications of hadrons, unitarity symmetries of hadron, quark model.

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在这基础上分析了胶子喷注与夸克喷注的区别。The difference between gluon jet and quark jet is analyzed on these basis.

一个夸克不能单独存在,必须与其它夸克或反夸克结合在一起。A quark cannot exist on its own, but must be bound to other quarks or an antiquark.

研究了夸克约束的重子受激态和手征对称破缺。It is studied Baryon excited states for quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking.

手征对称自发破缺的特征可以用夸克凝聚表示出来。The chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking can be characterized by the quark condensates.

本文致力于研究一种新的重夸克有效场论。This thesis focuses on the study of a new framework of heavy quark effective field theory.

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这样自然得到了分数电荷、超荷的夸克相干态。In this way, the fractionally charged, hypercharged quark states can be obtained naturally.

主要介绍了四夸克态、五夸克态和双重子态的理论研究。Theoretical study of four- quark states, pentaquark states and dibaryons is simply reviewed.

你会问,这个夸克对一段距离以外的那个夸克,有多大的作用力You can ask what the force that this quark will exert on that quark at a certain separation.

没有人知道分解电子和夸克是否可能,但粒子物理学家们一直在尝试着。Nobody knows if it is possible to cut an electron or quark but particle physicists keep trying.

这项新成果确认夸克胶子等离子的样子几乎就像具有最小黏度的液体。The new results confirm that quark gluon plasma acts almost like a fluid, with minimal viscosity.

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结果表明,仍然可以得到SLAC口袋的束缚态解,从而唯象地解释了夸克禁闭。The results agree with the SLAC bounded state solution, so that quark confinement can be illustrated.

本文提出了一个新的夸克势模型──夸克脱定域色屏蔽模型。A new quark potential model, called quark delocalization and color screening model, has been proposed.

结果清楚地表明了参数化的夸克传播子是成功和可靠的。The successful predictions clearly indicate the extensive validity of our parameterized quark propagator.