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橙汁吗?Orange juice?

闻闻桔子。Smell the orange.

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柳橙是圆的。An orange is round.

要啤酒还是鲜榨橙汁?Beer? Orange squash?

要杯鲜橙汁。Orange juice's fine.

我们的领带是桔黄色的。Our ties are orange.

我是,我是一个“香橙”。I am. I am an orange.

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它是一间桔色的房子。It's an orange house.

明亮的橙黄色叶片!Bright orange foliage!

你想吃个橙子吗?Do you want an orange?

灰色,搭配橙色边饰。Grey with orange trim.

橘色,白色和兰色。Orange white and blue.

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路西的裙子是橙色的。Lucy's skirt is orange.

红色逐渐趋于橙色。Red grades into orange.

他粉丝的名字叫“香橙”。His fans' name is orange.

我的铅笔盒是橙色的。My pencil case is orange.

红色加黄那是橙。Orange is red and yellow.

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蘑菇是桔色的。The mushrooms are orange.

这些城市包括了塔科马、加州的圣荷塞和橘子郡。and Orange County, Calif.

它怎么会是桔黄色?How could it be so orange?