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彼得?德尔森自命为贸易自由主义者。PETER MANDELSON is an avowed trade liberal.

他声称他是所有联盟的反对者。He avowed himself an opponent of all alliances.

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他们供称目的是推翻政府。Their avowed aim is to overthrow the government.

长久以来政府政策的公开教条“面向东方”,算是白讲了。“Look East”, long an avowed tenet of government policy, is in vogue.

最后李女士投诉无门,只能自认倒霉。Ms. Li is complained finally without the door, avowed and can hapless.

相比之下,尽管尤先科宣称自己是自由派,但是他一直以来的影响大体上都是破坏性的。In contrast, Mr Yushchenko’s influence has been mostly disruptive despite his avowed liberalism.

少数的一些青少年和十八九岁孩子当加入海军陆战队时会就已经认识公开的同性恋者了。Few of the kids—teenage and early20s—who fill the Marines’ combat units will have known avowed gays.

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自称为“包容派”的斯沃茨说,删除派已经取得了胜利,但他表示明白他们的动机。Swartz, an avowed inclusionist, says the deletionists have won – but says he understands their motivation.

在男人破釜沉舟地正式坦白说出他的痴心爱意之前,女人决不会承认她是已经堕入爱河的。Women never acknowledge that they have fallen in love until the man has formally avowed his delusion and so cut off his retreat.

菲比,这位号称动物权利的捍卫者,也被说服了,理由是,这样的话她将拯救一只可能遭致放逐的狗儿。Phoebe, an avowed champion of animal rights, was persuaded on the grounds that she’d be saving a dog that might otherwise be put down.

曾经的俄罗斯尤科斯石油公司老板,并公开与弗拉迪米尔普金为敌的米哈伊尔•霍多尔科夫斯基,日前第二次受审。In Russia Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once boss of the Yukos oil company and avowed enemy of Vladimir Putin, went on trial for a second time.

黎塞留红衣主教公开承认他的政治原则是“君主应永远避免任用绝对诚实的人材。”Cardinal Richelieu avowed openly in his political principles, that "kings should alwaysavoid using the talents of thoroughly honest men."

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赫德爵士认为,不同于罔顾历史的新工党,保守党的发展是一个连续而统一的过程。Lord Hurd regards the development of the Conservative Party as a continuum- in marked contrast to New Labour's avowed contempt for history.

但是在到达他们公开自认失败的临界点前,他们会尽量咬咬牙维持他们所适应的令人兴奋的生活。But before they reach that point of open and avowed defeat, they will fight tooth and nail to maintain the standard of excellence to which they have become accustomed.

打着拯救世界经济的旗号,在四个半小时内,全球20个最富有国家的领导人,在东伦敦集聚一堂,摆一大桌,你觉得会有什么收获?What do you get when the leaders of the 20 richest nations gather around a table in East London for four and a half hours with the avowed mission of saving the global economy?

我的理发师,自认为是技术恐惧者,他也修理旧摩托车,他也没有电脑,但却得益于信息经济,因为我在通过谷歌搜寻附近理发店时找到了他。My barber, an avowed technophobe whorebuilds antique motorcycles and doesn’t own a PC, benefited from theinformation economy when I found him by googling for barbershops in myneighborhood.