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杜威太太歇斯底里地大叫起来。Mrs. Dewey cried hysterically.

是的,全部都是。但你不必痛哭失声。Except you don't have to cry hysterically.

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我跑出了房子,歇斯底里地大哭起来。I ran out of the house crying hysterically.

接着她发出可怕的歇斯底里的尖叫,住手!Then she shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically.

请原谅我歇斯底里地嘲笑这种想法。Pardon me while I laugh hysterically at this thought.

她看起来很累,她的女儿哭得很厉害。She looked tired and her daughter was crying hysterically.

你的妹妹指着他哈哈大笑。And your little sister is pointing at him and laughing hysterically.

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过了一会,比尔回到店里,大笑不止。In a little while, Bill comes back into the shop laughing hysterically.

但是,这个大男人仍在歇斯底里地呜咽发抖,根本不回应。But the big man continued to sob and shake hysterically and didn't respond.

小丑扭着自己的脖子,知道自己带着歇斯底里的笑声死去。So the Joker twists his neck further, until he dies, laughing hysterically.

超重和肥胖的人听到这种玩笑的时候不会歇斯底里的笑话。Overweight and obese people don't laugh hysterically when they hear a fat joke.

有时候,想放纵自己,希望自己痛痛快快歇斯底里地发一次疯。Sometimes, you want to indulge yourself, hoping yourself to go crazy once hysterically.

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它不再追问真理、意义,而是沉浸在现时的碎片中,尽情狂欢。It no longer questions for the truth, meaning, but immerses in the current chips revelling hysterically.

女性们把同性上上下下打量一番,一旦同性离开了房间,她们就开始歇斯底里地大笑。They were looking her up and down, and as soon as she leaves the room, they start laughing hysterically.

我们常常笑到失控。非常糟糕。我们根本连一场亲热戏也拍不好。We just laugh hysterically the whole time. Its horrible. We can not get through a love scene at all. Ever.

韦小宝哈哈大笑,从椅子底下钻出来,手中兀自握着那柄带血的钢刀。Trinket began to laugh hysterically , and emerged from under the table, still clutching the bloodstained sword.

宋承宪怎么那么关注泰熙的新闻和关于泰熙的留言哦!He was laughing hysterically upon reading the news. Why does SSH pay so much attention to KTH's news and trivias?

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赞美诗的最后一个音符消逝不闻后,未亡人冲到棺材边,扑到上面歇斯底里地呜咽。As the last notes of the hymn died away the widow ran to the coffin, cast herself upon it and sobbed hysterically.

周一,周二是浪漫的,但不要感情冲动。这里的浪漫涉及玩游戏和开怀大笑。Monday and Tuesday are romantic, but not in a gushy way. They're romantic in a way that involves playing games and laughing hysterically.

我是朱莉维夫人6年来的第一个访客,她因这次对她所讨厌的女房东的微末胜利而大笑不止。I am Madame Jolivet's first visitor in six years and she is laughing hysterically at having won this tiny victory over her hated landlady.