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地役权是传统用益物权之一。Easement is one of the traditional usufructuary right of re al right.

农村宅基地使用权是关系中国亿万农民切身利益的一项基础性权利。Rural Usufructuary of land for building is a basic right for Millions of Chinese farmers.

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采矿权,又包含若干具有用益物权和担保物权性质的权利分支。The right of mining also has branches with certain usufructuary right and security interest.

天然孳息可以由所有权人取得,也可以由用益物权人和用益债权人取得。The natural fruits can be possessed by the owner, the usufructuary right holder, or creditor.

宅基地使用权是我国所特有的一种用益物权形态。The right to the use of residence base is a unique kind of usufructuary rights in our country.

新设立的建设用地使用权,不得损害已设立的用益物权。The newly-established one may not injure the usufructuary right that has already been established.

自然资源利用权作为一种特殊用益物权,其客体与产权流转有其自身特殊性。Natural resource using right is a special usufructuary right with representatives at its object and property transfer.

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采矿权是他物权,是用益物权和担保物权的统一。The right of mining is a sort of the qualified right in rem, and it contains usufructuary right and security interest.

用益物权人、担保物权人行使权利,不得损害所有权人的权益。When the usufructuary or the security rights holder exercises its rights, it may not harm the rights and interests of the owner.

第一百一十七条用益物权人对他人所有的不动产或者动产,依法享有占有、使用和收益的权利。Article 117 A usufructuary shall, according to law, have the right to possess, use and benefit from the immovables or movables owned by another.

第四十条所有权人有权在自己的不动产或者动产上设立用益物权和担保物权。Article 40 The owner of a realty or chattel is entitled to establish a usufructuary right or real right for security over the realty or chattel.

从实证分析的角度而言,在采矿权出让中,国家出让的是矿产的所有权而非用益物权。What our country remises in mining right remising is the mine ownership instead of usufructuary right from the perspective of empirical analysis.

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第四十条所有权人有权在自己的不动产或者动产上设立用益物权和担保物权。Article 40 The owner of a realty or chattel has the right to establish a usufructuary right or real right for security over the realty or chattel.

我国农村的土地承包经营权经历了从劳动义务到合同债权,再从合同债权到用益物权的性质演变。In China the nature of the power of rural land management contract evolutes from labour obligation to contract creditor and to usufructuary right.

物权法规定的用益物权就是对财产的使用和收益的权利,是为了更好的实现财产的使用价值,做到物尽其用。Usufructuary rights law on property rights is the right to the use and benefits is to achieve better use of the property, to the best use of them.

以自然资源用益物权为客体设定的权利抵押权体系,受到自然资源用益物权的直接影响。The hypothec system whose object is usufructuary rights of natural resources has been influenced directly by usufructuary rights of natural resources.

第五章对未来中国民法典中有关土地出让行为的立法提出建议,以期为我国土地出让市场的民事立法建设尽绵薄之力。And the Usufructuary Right System makes it possible to apply civil law in the regulation of assignment of the right to the use of the state-owned land.

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接着分析了关于取水权究竟属于何种物权的各种争议,在此基础上认为取水权应该属于用益物权。Then, this thesis analyzes the controversies about the water intake right and forms the idea that the water intake right should be the usufructuary right.

剖析备受讨论的租赁权性质后,笔者认为船舶融资租赁权在实践中应作为用益物权对待。It analyses the legal nature of leasing right, holds the point that the ship's financial leasing right shall be regarded as usufructuary right in practice.

试图在我国集体土地上设计一个,以集体土地所有权为基石、体土地用益物权为重心的集体土地物权体系。They attempted to construct a collective land real right system with collective ownership as the basis and collective land usufructuary right as the focus.