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我是辽宁人。I am from Liaoning.

杨利伟是辽宁人。Yang Liwei is from Liaoning.

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辽宁省抚顺市诗人。A poet from Fushun, Liaoning.

我来自辽宁沈阳。I come from Shenyang, Liaoning.

其母系辽宁人。His mother is a native of Liaoning.

辽宁是中国的一个省份。Liaoning is one of China's provinces.

1963年生于辽宁锦州。Born 1963, Jinzhou, Liaoning province.

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我是中国辽宁省铁岭市人。I am from Tieling, Liaoning Province, PRC.

这些恐龙蛋是在辽宁发现的。These dinosaur eggs were found in Liaoning.

这些化石发现于辽宁省。The fossils were found in Liaoning province.

以辽宁地区玉米种子为原料制备玉米油。Corn oil was extracted from corn in Liaoning.

再生颗粒产品溢满辽宁。Particles of renewable products Yiman Liaoning.

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辽宁省省会为沈阳。Shenyang is the provincial capital of Liaoning.

辽宁电动打码机,沈阳油墨,鸡蛋打码机。Liaoning Electric coder, Shenyang ink, egg coder.

辽宁的美好前景让我们喜不自胜。The good prospect of Liaoning lets us be in heaven.

辽宁省建平县沙海镇。Shahai Town, Jianping County, Liaoning Province China.

冯大中,1949年生于辽宁省盖县。Feng Dazhong Born in Gai county, Liaoning province, 1949.

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辽宁古银国际劳务合作有限公司。Liaoning Guyin International Service Cooperation Co. , Ltd.

奥运圣火今日开始在辽宁进行为期3天的传递。The Olympic torch starts its 3-day relay in Liaoning today.

牟心海,男,1964年于辽宁大学中文系毕业。Mou Xinhai, male, graduated in 1964 from Liaoning University.