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你怎么称呼爱管闲事的胡椒啊?What do you call a nosy pepper?

我对别人怎么生活很感兴趣。I'm really nosy about how others live.

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她不能容忍爱管闲事的邻居们。She had no patience with her nosy neighbours.

要在岛,依兰依兰开花全年。In Nosy Be, ylang ylang blooms all year round.

因为鼻塞,我今天讲话都有鼻音。My nosy is stuffy so I sound all nasally today.

不到万不得已我才会去管点闲事,一般我还是很尊重他人的隐私的。I try to respect people's privacy unless I have to be nosy.

她是一位好管閒事的人,她要知道所有一切的一切。Being a nosy person, she wants to know everything about everything.

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我不想让那个爱嚼舌头的小混蛋毁了我们30年的成绩。I don't want that nosy little bastard messing up 30 years of our work.

你可以称它为卡米洛特效应也可以说这仅仅是由于人们爱管闲事。You can call it the Camelot effect or maybe it's just that people are nosy.

诺西贝,这个词在马达加斯加表示“大岛”的意思,是马达加斯加最大的岛屿。Nosy Be, which means "big island" in Malagasy , is Madagascar's largest island.

当你在问道来电者身分时,你的口气确不应该听起来太粗鲁或是东问西问的。When you ask for the caller's identity . , you don't want to sound rude or nosy.

太极和八卦组合成了太极八卦图,它又为以后的道教所利用。Tai Chi Tai Chi and nosy combination of a tabloid map, it was later used by Taoism.

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它就像一个喜欢打听的妈妈,试图知道孩子们全部的所做所想。It’s like a nosy mother, intent on knowing everything her children are doing and thinking.

尽管这个问题问的很粗鲁无礼、爱管闲事,但是这种关于钱的问题是很常见的。This question about money is quite common, even though it is considered rude and nosy to ask.

我对别人的生活充满了兴趣,当看到脚手架被搭起的时候我会向工人打听他们正在干什么。I'm really nosy about how others live. When scaffolding's up I ask the builders what's going on.

散乱的海龟蛋成了一只嗅觉敏锐的浣熊的美餐,它是被挖巢的雌海龟留下的气味吸引过来的。Scrambled turtle eggs make a meal for a nosy raccoon, drawn by the smell left by the nesting female.

在你出门之前,要下定决心保持良好的举止言行,不要成为那个爱管闲事的人。Before you walk out the door, make the decision to maintain good manners and not be that nosy person.

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解决中国污染不大可能像好管闲事而专横的外国人所想的那么简单。The Chinese population is unlikely to be brushed off as easily as the nosy and presumptuous foreigners.

她作为一个烦人的,好管闲事的内向的家伙得到的待遇,或者这也是让那些家伙麻烦的一部分。The price she paid for being a bossy, nosy introvert. Or maybe it was the part about pissing people off.

她真是好管闲事,自己的事还没管好呢就来管别人的。She is such a nosy girl, always minding other people's business instead of paying attention to her own work.