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我们用锤子把它敲平。We hammered it flat.

他用手敲打院门。He hammered at the door.

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我把钉子钉进去了。I hammered the big nail in.

他一再向我强调这些文件的重要。He hammered away at the paper to me.

他不断地用拳头擂门。He hammered the door with his fists.

他把钉子钉进墙壁。He hammered the nails into the wall.

和锤打的金子所制作的式样Of hammered gold and gold enamelling

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他在键盘上用力敲出“不”字。He hammered out “NO” on the keyboard.

她在钢琴上弹奏一支曲子。She hammered out a tune on the piano.

那种思想天天都在向青年人灌输。That idea is hammered daily into the young.

他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉了。He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet.

必须把这张席子的边钉上。This mat has to be hammered down at the edges.

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这是乐再三强调的观点。This was a point that Le hammered home repeatedly.

看一下最后一张照片,这是敲击后的绞丝。Look at the last photo where it was hammered back in.

来访者用拳头使劲地锤打着大门。The visitor hammered against the door with his fists.

他锤了一个大餐匙给我的饭馆作招牌。He hammered a huge spoon as the sign of my restaurant.

第一天,男孩将37颗钉子钉进了篱笆。The first day the boy hammered 37 nails into the fence.

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老师一再朗读乘法表。The teacher hammered away at the multiplication tables.

我们的分歧最后通过讨论消除了。Our differences were at last hammered out in discussion.

第一天,男孩将37颗钉子钉进了栅栏。Thee first day the boy hammered 37 nails into the fence.