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她的好习惯预示她将来会有好前途。Her good habits bode well for her future.

这对于遭重创的美国房地产市场前景披上阴影。That does not bode well for the hard-hit U.

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这对中国未来的增长而言并非善事。This does not bode well for China’s future growth.

尽管最新公布的美国经济数据仍未见好转。The newly released US economic data does not bode well though.

但是,若价格上调低于300元/吨,对中石化来说不算好兆头。However, anything short of 300 Yuan a ton might not bode well with SNP.

由此我们建立了二节点、十二个自由度的曲梁单元。Then, a two bode shallow beam element with twelve degree of freedom is established.

中国在尼泊尔得了先手,对印度不利。China has gained an upper hand in that country and that does not bode well for India.

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这对一家试图进行特许并吸引投资者的企业并不好用。Vitrano says. It didn't bode well for a company trying to franchise and court investors.

如果小要不想让他知道客人是谁,对他来说可不算是个好兆头。If Kaname didn't want to tell him who their guest was, it could hardly bode well for him.

看上去找一个非中国制造的踢水板的希望很渺茫,不过我又走运了。That seems to bode poorly for the prospect of a non-Chinese kickboard, but I get lucky again.

伯德米勒比赛期间,FIS的世界杯高山滑雪大回转比赛12月20日在阿尔塔巴迪亚,意大利。Bode Miller races during the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup giant slalom December 20 in Alta Badia, Italy.

艾里森还指出,该分析的结果对国家的经济健康度也提出了质疑。The results of the analysis also don't bode well for the economic health of the nation, Allison continued.

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这种病态的财富分配,是不会给一个以商品交易为基础的社会带来好兆头的。This mal-distribution of wealth does not bode well for a society based on the buying and selling of goods.

对勃德·米勒来说,要当众表白自己想得到什么,坦言自己不喜欢做表面工夫,是要下很大决心的。"Bode Miller, you know, huge props to him for saying what he wants to and not being sugarcoated, " he said.

美国高山滑雪运动员博迪·米勒曾赢得过4次世界冠军和2次世界杯冠军。American alpine skier Bode Miller, 32, is a four-time world champion and two-time overall World Cup champion.

他说这些技术预示着糖尿病患者会过上一种更健康和轻松的生活。He says these technologies bode well for making people with diabetes healthier and making their lives easier.

这对于在美国经济中占很大比重的消费支出活动,或是企业获利而言,都绝非好消息.That does not bode well for spending, which accounts for the bulk of the U.S. economy, or for corporate profits.

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用伯德图校正控制系统,在某些部门已是常用的方法。Adjusting control system with Bode diagram has been a common method in certain fields, but remains a new subject.

这对一家试图进行特许并吸引投资者的企业并不好用。It didn't bode well for a company trying to franchise and court investors. 'It was less customer-friendly, ' he says.

这一类的经验,我想,很好地预示着某个人能够在这个工作环境里具备开放性和适应性。Those kinds of experiences I think bode well for someone who’s going to be open and adaptive in this job environment.