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你为巴伦奎拉组织工作多久了?How long you worked for the Barranquilla cartel?

墨西哥大毒枭在与海军交火中被打死。Mexican navy kills top cartel kingpin in shootout.

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在搜捕中,警察捕获了五名疑为贩毒集团成员的持枪歹徒。Police detained five alleged drug cartel gunmen in the raid.

卡特尔是寡头垄断市场中厂商的一种重要勾结形式。Cartel was an important collusive way of firms in the oligopoly market.

姐夫被墨西哥贩毒集团绑架。Employee's brother-in-law was kidnapped by a drug cartel while in Mexico.

国际能源机构甚至警告称,可能会形成一个天然气垄断组织。The IEA even warned of the possible formation of a cartel for natural gas.

俄罗斯方面还避免用到卡特尔这个词,但伊朗则毫不忌讳。The Russians avoided the word cartel but the Iranians spelled it out clearly.

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卡特尔被普遍认为是所有反竞争行为中危害最大的。It is generally believed that cartel is of the most anti-competitive practice.

在布什任内,美国充斥来自麦德林犯罪组织的可卡因。On Bush's watch the country was flooded with cocaine form the Medellin cartel.

然而婀瑞思利收到过另一个卡特尔洛齐塔的恐吓信。Araceli, however, has received threat letters signed by Los Zetas, another cartel.

在黑帮混战期间,有力的执行者很容易从团伙中崛起。In a period of cartel warfare, the enforcers will tend to rise in the organization.

墨西哥当局称他们逮捕了毒品卡特尔塞塔斯的联合创建人。The authorities in Mexico say they've captured a co-founder of the Zetas drug cartel.

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除了石油联合组织和生产止咳糖浆的巨头,几乎没有人真正喜欢冬天。Almost no one sincerely likes winter except the oil cartel and the cough-syrup magnates.

艾德发现,曼霞协助警方追查组织的几位头号人物。When Ed finds out, Sam agrees to help the FBI capture several key members of the cartel.

在这两个城市权势熏天的锡那罗亚“卡特尔”已经在推动取代现有帮派的活动。In both cities the powerful Sinaloa "cartel" has been pushing to displace incumbent gangs.

虽然西莉亚时间不长的房子出租了,南希科齐斯到一个墨西哥贩毒集团。While Celia does time for renting out a grow house, Nancy cozies up to a Mexican drug cartel.

他有两副面孔,我看见他对所爱的人无比温柔,然后又看见卡特尔里的无情杀戮。He had two faces. I saw him so tender with the ones he loved, then you see the cartel killings.

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该卡特尔控制着从华雷斯前往美国的主要毒品运输通道。The cartel controls some of the main drug smuggling routes from Ciudad Juarez into the United States.

这个卡特尔上周表示会在美国大选后的11月中旬召开会议。The cartel said just last week that it would meet in mid-November, after the United States elections.

图10-2展示了一个想方设法向其买主榨取了最大利润的垄断集团或卡特尔的情况。Figure 10.2 portrays a monopoly or cartel that has managed to extract maximum profits from its buyers.