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把三角形先生涂成绿色。Color Mr. Triangle green.

我喜欢我的三角尺。I like my triangle ruler.

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这个三角形是钝角三角形。The triangle is a obtuse.

这个三角形是钝角三角形。This triangle is a obtuse.

你就得到一个直角三角形。You have a right triangle.

我看到它像一个三角形的大帽子。I see it like a big triangle.

它发现了一个三角形的饭团。It finds a triangle rice ball.

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这也是一种铁三角构架。It is a type of iron triangle.

在这里放一片小的三角形胶板。Put small triangle plastic here.

蓝色三角形是山。The blue triangle is a mountain.

这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。The place is a cobbled triangle.

画一个小三角型做为鼻子。Draw a small triangle for the nose.

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事实上,那是一个直角三角形。In fact, it is a right-angled triangle.

现在,他已经不属于这个三角恋了。Now he is no longer in a love triangle.

三角形有三条边和一个高。A triangle has three sides and a height.

三条边都相等的三角形叫做等边三角形。Triangle that a triangle has equal legs.

这里再来谈谈那著名的“夏季大三角”。Here is the famous Summer Triangle again.

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我们订一个三角贸易协议好吗?Shall we sign a triangle trade agreement?

非欧几何中的三角棋盘!Triangle Chess Under Non-Euclidean Space.

这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。Point p2, The place is a cobbled triangle.