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Soicta龙舌兰、短叶芦荟Agave soicta or aloe brevifolia

龙舌兰花蜜和龙舌兰酒都是来源于同一种植物。Agave nectar comes from the same plant that tequila is made from.

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然而,即便这些努力可能也无法阻止另一场龙舌兰危机。Either way, even these efforts might not prevent another agave crisis.

龙舌兰花蜜是具有保健意识的消费者的选择之一。Agave nectar is one alternative that is used by health conscious consumers.

老婆和那个北京女孩蹦迪去了,就叫上一瓶龙舌兰酒。The wife and that Beijing girls jumped enlighten, was called a bottle of American agave liquor.

我还看见一大片的龙舌兰,还有商人翻山越岭带来很多的陶器与织品。I see plots of agave and traders coming in from over the mountains bringing different pottery and textiles.

在全麦烤面包上涂上罐头南瓜,龙舌兰小雨或枫糖浆。Spread a scoop of canned pumpkin on toasted whole wheat bread and then drizzle agave or maple syrup on top.

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我更为关心将龙舌兰作为食物原料的持续发展,因为需要很快会供不应求。I am more concerned about the sustainability of agave as a food source, because demand may soon exceed supply.

巴士候车亭功能龙舌兰叶子的图像穿孔的五颜六色的陶瓷马赛克和遮阳屏。The bus shelters feature colorful ceramic mosaics and shade screens perforated with the images of agave leaves.

我喜欢龙舌兰油的味道,并已经在厨房中用到它,也开始在食物中用到它。I like the taste of agave nectar and have started using it in my kitchen, as well as trying products that contain it.

龙舌兰酒由龙舌兰属仙人掌制成。你将发现你可以在祝福龙舌兰酒时与植物王国交谈。Tequila is made from the agave cactus. One will find that one can commune with the plant kingdom in blessing the tequila.

第二个因素是,农民为了增加茎的糖分,而把龙舌兰的花砍掉,这就导致了龙舌兰之间无法异花授粉。Second, cross-pollination is usually impossible because farmers cut off the agave flowers to boost sugar content in the stem.

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彝斯咖魔是一种黑色的巨型光胸臭蚁的卵,这种蚂蚁的巢穴安在龙舌兰和龙舌兰属植物的根部。Escamoles are the eggs of the giant black Liometopum ant, which makes its home in the root systems of maguey and agave plants.

经营来自世界各地的蜜类美食,包括有机及传统食品、蜜制品、有机龙舌兰蜜和枫蜜、枣蜜。Honey specialties from all over the world, organic and conventional, honey preparations, organic Agave and Maple syrup, Date syrup.

虽然蜂蜜,龙舌兰酒和枫树糖浆的快速糖,但也包含了非常健康的物质,如大量的维生素C。Though honey, agave nectar and maple syrup are fast sugars, they nevertheless contain very healthy substances such as large amounts of vitamin C.

罕见的霜冻有时会使枝叶肥厚的植物,如芦荟和龙舌兰,冠部及叶子中的水分结冰,从而引起枝叶或花朵的分裂。Exceptional frost can sometimes freeze the water in the crowns and leaves of succulent plants, such as aloes and Agave attenuata, causing splitting.

龙舌兰花蜜的热量密度比食糖高,但因为它具有大于40倍的甜度,更可用于实现同一水平的甜度。Agave nectar is more calorie dense than sugar but because it is about forty times sweeter much less can be used to achieve the same level of sweetness.

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奇索斯群山骤起于沙漠之中,如天空之城,龙舌兰和仙人掌如同展览般精致。The sky island Chisos Mountains harbor stratified life zones and endless opportunities to juxtapose harsh desert agave and cacti with delicate floral displays.

无论是剑麻花粉的滤液还是透析液,都能使剑麻蛋白酶激活,证实剑麻花粉中含有巯基激活物质。Both the filtrate and the dialyzate of agave pollen can activate the enzyme, thus proving that there was activating substance of the thiol group in agave pollen.

一般来说,植物龙舌兰比较适应于西班牙、葡萄牙的热带天气。但是英国潮湿的冬季也让这个热带气候的植物有了“速成”的机会。Heather Godfrey with the 25ft agave plant. Normally happier in warmer climes, as found in Portugal and Spain, the plants have benefited from milder winters here.