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采蜜蚁采集蜜露。Honey ants collect honeydew.

甜甜的分泌物就是我们所说的“蜜汁”。The sweet secretion is known as honeydew.

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哦,最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜。Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.

把蜜瓜或美国香瓜切成块。Slice up a a honeydew melon or cantaloupe into chunks.

相对于其它地方,美国的甘露蜜十分稀少。Honeydew honey is relatively rare in the United States.

新鲜哈蜜瓜味道,轻盈、微甜、清新。The sweet aroma of honeydew melon. Bright, airy and green.

E2阶段有蜜露的分泌,E2波出现与蜜露分泌有一个时滞。E2 wave was accompanied by honeydew secretion, with a time lag.

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我在超级市场看到一种叫做蜜瓜大瓜,那是什么?I saw big melons called Honeydew at a supermarket, what's that?

蜜瓜刻成莲花形,其他材料切成小段备用。Cut honeydew into a lotus shape. Cut all other ingredients into small pieces.

或许你喜欢食西瓜和蜜瓜,因其香甜多汁口味一流。You've enjoyed watermelon and honeydew melon for their sweet, succulent tastes.

散发着菠萝和蜜瓜的香气,感觉蜂蜜的丝丝甜味。It offers pineapple and honeydew melon aroma, feels like the sweetness of honey.

水果燕菜月饼有木瓜,芒果,草莓,哈蜜瓜及红龙果。Fruit Jelly moon cake- papaya, mangoes, strawberry , honeydew and red dragon fruit.

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在蚜虫蜜露分泌导致的虫害,从他们的身体。Heavy infestations of aphids result in the secretion of honeydew from their bodies.

回来给我带了两个正宗的白兰瓜。My friend has just come back from Lanzhou, bringing me two genuine honeydew melons.

粉虱蜜露是粉虱寄生性天敌搜索寄主的主要利它素源。Whitefly honeydew is an important kairomone resource for host-searching of parasitoids.

夏日香气的新鲜梨和桃子,淡淡的蜜露和光明完的梅尔柠檬成。Aromas of fresh summer pears and peaches, hint of honeydew and a bright Meyer lemon finish.

水稻品种能对褐飞虱蜜露中的利它素活性产生明显影响。There were obviously different effects of rice varieties on its activities in honeydew of BPH.

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所以,今天就来点健康的点心,不妨尝一杯葡萄、一颗刚切片的奇异果或一杯哈密瓜义式冰沙吧。So for a healthy treat today, try a cup of grapes, a freshly sliced kiwi or a honeydew granita.

挖一勺松软干酪涂到香瓜或者蜜露上,再在上边撒点桂皮。Scoop nonfat cottage cheese into a cantaloupe or honeydew half, and top with a dash of cinnamon.

点点鼠他们只是从窗口用橡子做的杯子递给他几杯蜜露,他倒一点也不生气。So they handed him out acorn-cupfuls of honeydew through the window, and he was not at all offended.