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上面的家具色彩鲜红,富有光泽。The furniture on it is glossy vermilion.

赤色鸥有朱红色的细嘴和双腿。The yurikamome gull has a vermilion bill and legs.

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朱砂含有重金属砷和汞。Vermilion contains heavy metal arsenic and mercury.

我再向外看时,他已抱了朱红的桔子往回走了。I looked out again, he had held the vermilion oranges back.

飘渺前尘,注定只成为我一个人的朱砂墨迹。The fugacious past destined to be my single vermilion mark.

这是橙红色金门大桥横跨海上的壮观场面。The spectacular vermilion orange span of the Golden Gate Bridge.

我向以为漆的经典色彩是朱与黑。I always think that vermilion and black are classic colors of lacquer.

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臣还要请旨,殿中梁柱是漆丹朱,还是玄墨?May I enquire should the central pillar be painted in vermilion or ink black?

请问银朱和雄黄用什么制法可以减毒?。With what do vermilion and realgar make a law you can reduce toxin excuse me?

朱漆的门窗更能突显她家的荣华富贵。The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family.

两个姑娘都立刻站了起来,不过朱儿跑在姐姐前面拿来了椅子。Both of them immediately rose, but Vermilion outran her sister and brought the chair.

朱谨军在商丘市委的具体职务????Vermilion the army is in concrete Shangqiu municipal Party committee post solemnly? ? ? ?

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花色有白。粉红。洋红。玫瑰红。紫红。朱红及复色。Design and color has white, pink, kermes, rosy, amaranthine, vermilion reach answer color.

花色有白。粉红。洋红。玫瑰红。紫红。朱红及复色。Design and color has white, pink, kermes, rosy, amaranthine , vermilion reach answer color.

尚朝奉夜拾包袱,见是女人头颅,丢入朱砂井中。Shang Chaofeng night picks up a package, seeing is feminine head, in losing vermilion well.

夏末简直和秋天一样凉爽,黄昏以前的太阳染在马路上,使那些铺路的石块都变成了朱红色。The late summer was as cool as autumn, and the setting sun stained the paving stones vermilion.

它以镀金的竹子做成,轿杆以朱红真漆漆成,镶嵌着黄铜孔雀。It was made of gilded bamboo, and the poles were of vermilion lacquer studded with brass peacocks.

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朱石斑鱼有底部的较低的下巴,使其按粗糙的尺度。The vermilion rockfish has scales on the bottom of the lower jaw which make it rough to the touch.

许多中药含有高含量的朱砂和雄黄,能够导致汞和砷中毒。Many TCMs contain high amounts of vermilion and realgar, and can cause mercury and arsenic poisoning.

你的嘴唇就像是波斯王国的弯弓,那是一张涂上朱砂的弯弓,那是一张头上镶嵌珊瑚的弯弓。It is like the bow of the King of the Persians that is painted with vermilion and is tipped with coral.