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排放二氧化碳的工业会向农民支付一定费用,由农民买烧炉炼木炭、收集农场废物。CO2-emitting industries could pay farmers to buy stoves to char and sequester farm waste.

所以,在生物气田利用产甲烷菌进行CO2地质固定并且产生新的甲烷具有可能性。Therefore, it is possible to sequester CO2 in this biogas field and produce methane at the same time.

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事实上,OMEGA系统不光可以清理污水,而且还可以帮助阻止二氧化碳现象的恶化。The fact that the OMEGA process would clean up wastewater and help sequester carbon dioxide doesn't hurt, either.

三月份的报告充分考虑了工资税和联邦预算削减的因素,即全面减支计划的影响。March's report now fully takes into account higher payroll taxes and the federal budget cuts, known as the sequester.

我们与联络人员正在商讨如何最好的移除黑暗的主要代理人,以及在哪里扣押他们。Discussions with our liaison personnel are addressing how best to remove the dark's main agents and where to sequester them.

置身于与世隔绝的私人海滩,沙软潮平,青山环绕,波光粼粼。Sequester yourself on a private beach with pristine sand shimmering waters and lush green mountains rising in the background.

我没想到精神药物会解决他们的分歧,也没有我要永久封存在不同的房间他们。I didn't think psychotropics would resolve their differences, nor did I want to permanently sequester them in different rooms.

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亨萨林表示美联储的策略会带来相当大的风险,伯南克被问及迫在眉睫的所谓的没收的削减支出。Hensarling says the FED strategy creates considerable risk, Bernanke was asked about the looming spending cuts known as the sequester.

将农作物废料及其它生物质转化成炭并将其施于热带土壤的方法可以固碳并能提高农作物产量Turning crop wastes and other biomass into charcoal and spreading it on tropical soils can sequester carbon and boost crop productivity

如果你曾经用一个放大镜来聚集阳光去烧一只不幸的蚂蚁,你就知道太阳能光伏发电的要领了。That means we must figure out a way to inexpensively capture the carbon released by burning fossil fuels and sequester it into the ground.

想一想,如果我们能够更好地认出和隔离这些精神病患者,那么就可以保证我们的公共场所、学校乃至国家的安全。We fantasize that if we can only better recognize and sequester the mentally ill, then we can keep our streets, schools, and countries safe

社会应大大拓展地球工程解决方案的研究,清除和隔离大气中已存在的温室气体。Society should significantly expand researchinto geoengineering solutions that remove and sequester greenhousegases already in the atmosphere.

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这项研究应该超越诸如保存森林用于固碳和缓解气候变化等价值。This should be on top of any global value derived from, for example, keeping forests pristine to sequester carbon and mitigate climate change.

自动减支计划在我的分区和整个美国都已经产生了影响,而这次投票并不能起到减少这种影响的作用。This vote will do nothing to lessen the effects of the sequester whose impact has already been felt in my district and throughout the country.

结论侧脑室脉络丛对镉有屏阻作用,有助于保持脑脊液稳态,使脑免受来自血液的镉的损伤。Conclusions Choroid plexus in the lateral ventricle can sequester cadmium, maintain homeostasis of CSF and protect brain from injury caused by cadmium.

目前华盛顿还没有暴雪来临的迹象,预测的积雪量足已关闭城市的大部分运作。Still no sign of that so-called snow sequester in the capital city where just the threat of a significant snow was enough to shutdown much of the city.

而另两家主要的信用评级机构惠誉和穆迪则并未这样做,某种程度上是因为美政府承诺将自动减少赤字。Fitch and Moody’s, the other main ratings agencies, have refrained from doing so, in part because of the promised deficit reductions under the sequester.

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罗杰斯表示,该法案同样使五角大楼能灵活地处理自动减支。不过众议院民主党党督斯滕尼·霍耶表示,那并不够。Rogers says the measure also gives the Pentagon new flexibility to manage the sequester cuts. But house democratic Whip Steny Hoyer says that's not enough.

我们将大量投资有效利用太高效率的学习方法阳能、风能、核能的新方法,大量投资能够捕获和隔离电如何高效率学习厂废气中的二氧化碳的方法。We will invent much improved methods to harne the sun, the wind, nuclear power, and capture and sequester the carbon dioxide emitted from our power plants.

我们将大量投资有效利用太阳能、风能、核能的新方法,大量投资能够捕获和隔离电厂废气中的二氧化碳的方法。We will invent much improved methods to harness the sun, the wind, nuclear power, and capture and sequester the carbon dioxide emitted from our power plants.