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我认为金·凯利是一个很逗乐的人。I think Jim Carey is a really funnyman.

凯里在每个轨道上被列出如一位共作家。Carey is listed as a co-writer on every track.

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和许多12岁女孩一样,麦肯齐·凯利热爱跳舞。Like many 12-year-old girls, McKenzie Carey loves to dance.

电影卡司包括西亚李毕福,凯莉墨理根和乔许布洛林。The film also stars Shia LaBeouf, Carey Mulligan and Josh Brolin.

“市场是敞开的,”凯瑞说,“没有国家有明显的优势。It's wide open”, says Carey. “No country has a particular advantage.

罗斯。你知道玛丽亚·凯莉要来开演唱会的事吧?。ROSE, do you know that Mariah Carey is going to have a concert here?

我们在谈的是玛利亚·凯莉,她当然喜欢听自己的歌。We're talking about Mariah Carey. Of course she loves to hear herself.

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我喜欢许多外国歌手,比如,玛利亚?凯丽和席林?狄翁。I like many foreign singers, for example, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion.

“这是我们的街区,”凯里·福科斯一边参观着画廊,一边说道。“It’s our block, ” Carey Fouks said as he gave a tour of the art gallery.

某某大学的研究员某某用食物来打个比方。Carnegie Mellon University researcher Carey Morewedge uses a food example.

网站的创始人“J-dog”,在接到Carey的请求后删除了他的名字。The site's founder "J-dog", removed the listing after a request from Carey.

本凯里最近在纽约时报上发表了一篇关于间隔开学习时间带来的优势方面的研究文章。Ben Carey recently wrote about the benefits of spacing in the New York Times.

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凯芮·穆里根有一个狂热“粉丝”,而这个“粉丝”并不畏惧把自己对她的着迷告诸天下。Carey Mulligan has one huge fan—and he’s not afraid to tell the world about it.

他们依靠玛丽亚·凯莉和'美国偶像'做预售。They're sticking to Mariah Carey and 'American Idol, ' where you pre-sell the package.

有时凯里夫人也会因为失去了30多年的伴侣而感到消沉。Mrs. Carey hasat times been despondent at the loss of her partner of more than 30 years.

“懂得解析你游戏的使用模式很重要”,凯瑞说到。“Understanding the analytics of how your social game is being used is vital”, says Carey.

加贝利指出,默多克有一个包括凯里在内称职的管理团队。Mr. Gabelli noted that Mr. Murdoch has a competent management team that includes Mr. Carey.

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而且现在到了大众给自己戴些首饰的时候了,就像流行乐坛天后玛丽亚·凯莉那样。And now the general public can adorn themselves with jewels just like pop queen Mariah Carey.

凯利认为,未来几年内,公司将产生一个新的职位——首席云计算官。In the next few years, Carey sees companies creating the new position of chief cloud officer.

凯瑞商学院不仅是全美最大的商学院之一,也是为美国8大会计公司提供最多专业人士的第二大学府。The W. P. Carey School of Business is one of the largest business schools in the United States.