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港台工作频率为8.7768兆赫。RTHK frequency of 8.7768 MHz.

激光器单频可调范围经塞曼效应展宽后达2500兆赫以上。Its frequency tuning range broadened by Zeeman effect was more than 2500 MHz.

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移动电话运营商特别垂涎这700MHz的频率。The mobile-phone companies have lusted after the 700 MHz frequencies in particular.

微星公司,举例来说,将增加核心频率从默认的825至850兆赫。MSI Company, for example, will increase the core frequency from the default825 to 850 MHz.

经过对所有的织物进行测试发现,织物对于频率为1800-2450兆赫的电磁波屏蔽效果最好。EMSE of all these fabrics is found to be higher in the frequency range from 1800 to 2450 MHz.

在模拟信号处理器的CLKD记录里设置时钟分频器。模拟信号处理器的时钟里提名的值是2兆赫。Set the clock divider in the ASP_CLKD register. The nominal value for the ASP clock is 2 MHz.

该组织最近还向FCC发去了一封恳求对方再开放一个800MHz无线信号频段的请求信。The group sent a letter recently asking the FCC to allocate an additional 800 MHz of spectrum.

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在该示例性实施例中低波段低于1000MHz,而高波段高于1000MHz。The low band in this exemplary embodiment is below 1000 MHz and the high band is above 1000 MHz.

当地一个非常弱的90.0兆赫德克萨斯州印第安语海盗是一个合适的稳定的信号源。A very weak local area Indian language pirate TX on 90.0 MHz was a suitable stable signal source.

主机板的问题没有能够征服的频率,系统总线500兆赫。The motherboardin question did not make possible to subjugate the frequency of system bus in 500 MHz.

他用了每平方厘米0.75毫瓦的脉冲,调节的微波在450MHZ的频率。He used 0.75 milliwatts per square centimetre of pulsed, modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz.

实测干涉仪的分辨本领为30兆赫,精细常数为150。Resolution of 30 MHz for the scanning interferometer was measured experimentally with a finesse of 150.

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商业调频电台使用的频率,分布在88~108兆赫的波段内。Commercial FM broadcasting stations transmit their signals in the frequency range of 88 megahertz to 108 MHz.

直接阻抗测量100千赫至500兆赫,可以用任择41951a阻抗检测试剂盒。Direct impedance measurements from 100 kHz to 500 MHz can be performed using the optional 41951A Impedance test kit.

在9590兆赫和室温下,研究了一些有机溶剂和二元体系溶液的微波吸收。The microwave absorption of some organic solvents and binary system solutions was studied at 9590 MHz and room temperature.

由于有强大的本地毗邻调频90.1兆赫的信号就和89.9,90.0兆赫,甚至是一个理想的通道选择性测试。Since there are strong local adjacent FM signals on 89.9 and 90.1 MHz, 90.0 MHz is an ideal even channel for selectivity testing.

这些云彩可能有非常高水平电离,允许频率由大约150兆赫决定被反射在一些场合。These clouds can have very high levels of ionisation , allowing frequencies up to about 150 MHz to be reflected on some occasions.

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目前,高画质数位电视在同样的6MHz频带,传输速率相当于每秒近100Mb。At present, high-definition digital TV delivers the equivalent of nearly 100-megabit-per-second transmission rates in the same 6 MHz band.

剩余的0-0.1个百万赫兹在前面的嵌板上藉着来自微调拉手利的一个高度地稳定可变的振动者不断可调整。The remaining 0 to 0.1 MHz is continuously adjustable by a highly stable variable oscillator from the fine tuning knob on the front panel.

如果功率计和功率传感器拥有1MHz的视频带宽,他将扮演一个-3dB截止点为1MHz的典型低通滤波器。If a power meter and power sensor has a 1-MHz video bandwidth, it will act as a typical low pass filter with a 3-dB rolloff point at 1 MHz.