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实验组有一只狗出现菌血症。The control group only had one dog appeared bacteremia.

可导致败血症的细菌种类很多。Infection by many kinds of bacteria may cause bacteremia.

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对人类具有致病性,引起肠热病、胃肠炎和菌血症。It is pathogenic for humans, causing enteric fevers, gastroenteritis, and bacteremia.

来自几种来源中任何一种的暂时的菌血症的因素可导致伤口感染。Factors such as a transient bacteremia from any of several sources may lead to wound infection.

结论革兰阳性球菌是危重病患者菌血症的重要致病菌。Conclusion Gram positive organisms are major pathogens of bacteremia in critically ill patients.

动脉导管相关性感染,包括导管相关局部感染及导管相关性菌血症。Arterial catheter-related infection included catheter related local infection and catheter-related bacteremia.

结论非伤寒沙门氏菌血液感染推荐使用氟喹诺酮类或三代头孢类抗生素。Conclusion A third-generation cephalosporin or a fluoroquinolone is recommended for treatment of NTS bacteremia.

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这48例主要来自重症监护病房、新生儿病房、外科病房和血液病房。Most of 48 cases of bacteremia were from intensive care units, neonatal ward, surgeon wards and hematology ward.

因为EUS-FNA所经过的胃肠道并非无菌环境,所以EUS-FNA引发的菌血症也备受人们关注。Because the gastrointestinal tract is not a sterile environment, so bacteremia caused by EUS-FNA is also concerned.

尽管脊柱痛风不常见,还是应该把该病加到背痛伴菌血症患者的鉴别诊断中。Although uncommon, gouty spine should be added into the differential diagnosis of patients with back pain and bacteremia.

压力传感器是开心手术后细菌感染的一种原因---感染爆发的报告和防治措施。Pressure transducers as a source of bacteremia after open heart surgery. Report of an outbreak and guidelines for prevention.

目的分析研究中心静脉营养管污染致菌血症危险因素,探讨防治措施。OBJECTIVE To evaluate the risk factors of bacteremia caused by central vein catheter infection and their therapeutic measures.

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临床上淡水螯虾的菌血症是非特异性的和典型精神呆滞和瘫痪并立刻死亡。Clinical signs of bacteremia in freshwater crayfish are non-specific and typically are limited to increasing apathy and paralysis immediately prior to death.

出现不寻常的金黄色葡萄球菌菌血症患者导致了一系列的流行病学调查和分子分型方法,以评估相关性的情况下。The unusual occurrence of S. aureus bacteremia in a series of patients led to an epidemiologic investigation and molecular typing methods were employed to assess the relatedness of cases.