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东北部沿海地带气候潮湿。The northeastern seaboard has a humid climate.

洪水淹没了东部沿海各州。Floodwaters are inundating states up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

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最后,地图显示,亚特兰大海岸边一氧化碳浓度很高。Finally, the map shows high carbon monoxide concentrations along the Atlantic Seaboard.

那是因为大多数东部沿海地区的居民去岛上或者乡下串亲戚。That's because most of China's eastern seaboard ups stakes to visit relatives in inland rural areas.

这里甚至还会有高傲的狮子光顾这块荒凉的通向大西洋海岸的区域。There is even the occasional pride of lions scavenging this desolate stretch of the Atlantic seaboard.

其热切程度至少和我们想在东海岸的宾馆里开房“播种”一样强烈。And we want it at least as much as we want to spray our seed in the hotel rooms of the Eastern seaboard.

过去30年里,基本都是中国东部沿海省份在引领中国经济发展。The country’s economic growth during most of the past 30 years has been led by its long eastern seaboard.

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有超过100个浮标穿过大西洋塑料垃圾带,其中绝大多数从东岸出发。More than 100 buoys passed through the Atlantic plastic region, most originating from the eastern seaboard.

迄今为止,这种病害还只发现于从佛蒙特州到弗吉尼亚州的东北沿海的山洞中。Until now, the disease has appeared only in caves along the northeastern seaboard from Vermont to Virginia.

一场春季强风暴过后,东海岸的部分地区持续停电,一些社区泡在水里。Parts of the Eastern seaboard remain without power and some communities underwater after a strong spring storm.

甚至还在东海岸运行的一个小型实验性光网上尝试了他们的想法。They've even tried out their ideas on a small experimental optical network that runs along the Eastern Seaboard.

在新诞生的美国,白种人直到19世纪才从东海岸向西深远进军。The white population of the new United States did not stretch far beyond the eastern seaboard until the 19th century.

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大连并非这方面的个例。海滨城市与一些更多的内陆城市也在发生着翻天覆地的变化。Dalian is not unique in this respect. Cities across the seaboard and a sext few more inland are all doing the same thing.

但是绵延在东部海岸的广阔原始森林将是巨大的宝库。But the vast, virgin forest, extending nearly 2,100 kilometers along the eastern seaboard would prove to be a treasure-house.

当我们降至美国东海岸并进入美国禁飞区的时候,几家F-16战机飞过来护航。As we came down the eastern seaboard and entered prohibited U.S. airspace, we were met and escorted by a couple of F16 fighters.

陈毅将军的总部设在上海以北、北平以南的滨海省份山东。The first of these generals made his head-quarters in the seaboard province of Shantung, north of Shanghai and south of Peiping.

研究方法在江苏沿海的响水县进行了初步应用,取得了较好的效果。The research method was applied in the Xiangshui county in the near seaboard of Jiangsu province and better effect was acquired.

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而像大西洋沿海的坎普斯湾海滩、克里夫顿海滩、兰蒂德诺海滩这些新潮时尚的海滩都是世界闻名。The trendy beaches of Camps Bay, Clifton and Llandudno along the Atlantic Seaboard are right up there with the best in the world.

今日,不到1/3的人口能接触到网络,这些人多分布在中国的东部沿海地区.Today, fewer than a third of the population has access to the internet and they are pretty much all down China's eastern seaboard.

在对江苏省全部海岸带林业多次实地考察的基础上,分析了影响海岸带造林树种分布和生长至关重要的立地因素。In the years 1980-1985, on-the-spot investigations were carried out on afforestation in the whole seaboard area of Jiangsu province.