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他没什么羞耻心。He has no shame.

这是件丢脸的事。This is a shame.

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他惭愧地低头不语。His head in shame.

盖茨真不要脸啦”。Gates has no shame.

福布斯,你真丢脸。Shame on you, Forbes.

那个人不知羞耻。That man has no shame.

可能也停了降低羞耻心的那种?Also the shame reducer?

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不再恐惧,不再羞耻。No more fear and shame.

旧罪导致新丑。Old sin make new shame.

她羞愧得脸红。She blushed with shame.

她因羞愧而脸红。She blushed with shame.

她羞愧得涨红了脸。she blushed with shame.

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垂下头羞愧去吧。Hang your head in shame.

她羞得满脸通红。She reddened with shame.

很不幸,Python没有提供这个功能。Which is really a shame.

他们简直不知羞耻。They had simply on shame.

我的脸羞愧得发烫。My face burned with shame.

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你一点羞耻感都没有吗?You have any shame at all?

她羞愧得低下头来。She hung her head in shame.

她因羞惭而脸红。Her face flushed with shame.