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他去处不明。His present whereabouts is unknown.

你知道他现在的所在之处是什么?Do you know what his whereabouts are?

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她目前的行踪仍然不明。Her present whereabouts is still unknown.

她目前的行踪仍然不明。Her present whereabouts is still nameless.

至今没有找到有关他行踪的线索。No clue to his whereabouts has been found.

“嘎那高尔夫俱乐部”就是个好去处。"Honk the golf club" is a good whereabouts.

卡扎菲上校至今仍下落不明。Colonel Gaddafi's whereabouts remain unknown.

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他一直将自己的行迹掩藏得很好。He has been hiding his whereabouts very well.

到底是什麽东西洩露了张锡铭的行踪?In the end is what leaked Chang's whereabouts?

迄今他的下落全然未知。His whereabouts have been utterly unknown so far.

我们是真心关心他们的下落。We are genuinely concerned about their whereabouts.

我哭过,我担心她的行踪和安全。I cried, and worried about her safety and whereabouts.

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遗失的孩子还没有着落。The whereabouts of the missing child is still unknown.

校开发办一直都了解我的行踪。The development office carefully tracks my whereabouts.

出版商没有透露杜导正的下落。The publisher did not reveal Du Daozheng's whereabouts.

因为在鲍尔家宅的那个刺客询问过金姆的所在。The assassin at the safe house asked for her whereabouts.

他听说,在什么地方,有一种植物,可以让人永葆年轻。He then learns the whereabouts of a plant of eternal youth.

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不过,林先生没有关于家人下落的消息。Still, Mr. Hayashi had no word of his family's whereabouts.

有幅古画现在下落不明。The whereabouts of one of the ancient paintings is unknown.

他行踪不定,四海为家。His whereabouts are uncertain – he could be living anywhere.