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眼花并可能失去知觉。Giddiness and possible unconsciousness.

当你的大脑渐渐丧失意识时,它到底发生了什么?What happens to your brain as it slips into unconsciousness?

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车祸之后,司机陷入昏迷状态。The driver lapsed into unconsciousness after the car accident.

究其原因,无意识概念中所包含的矛盾难辞其咎。The concept of unconsciousness is the very cause of these oppugns.

患者最后会在昏迷中痛苦死去。The patients slipped onto unconsciousness and finally died painfully.

实际上,无意识的虚无不可能被真切地感知到。In fact, the nothingless of unconsciousness cannot be truly perceived.

对过去的无明,有著更多的醒误与觉察。More awareness and consciousness in areas of previous unconsciousness.

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那个快死的人愈加人事不省,他的目光也变得呆滞了。The dying man's eyes glazed over as he sank deeper into unconsciousness.

麻醉剂限制了组合的大小,因而造成意识的丧失。Anesthetics restrict the size of assemblies, thus inducing unconsciousness.

他都是在不自觉的状态下,完美地促成丰足的生命。It promotes the abundant lives perfectly under the condition of unconsciousness.

他是在不自觉的状态下,完美地促成丰足的生命。It promotes the abundant lives perfectly under the condition of unconsciousness.

肉豆蔻目不转睛地凝视着那艘潜艇,直到她失去知觉为止。Nutmeg stared transfixed at the submarine, until she slipped into unconsciousness.

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得普利麻是一种广泛用于手术室以减轻病人潜意识的麻醉剂。Diprivan is an anesthetic widely used in operating rooms to induce unconsciousness.

由于连日走得精疲力竭,他在印度的一条河边不省人事。Exhausted from days of walking, he passed into unconsciousness by a river in India.

我给他服了一些佛罗那,叫他可以人事不省地好好睡几个钟头觉。I gave him a sufficient dose of veronal to insure his unconsciousness for several hours.

弗洛伊德对力比多的发现,打开了性在无意识中的能量性质。Sigmund Freud's discover for Libido unclose the energy and quality of sex in unconsciousness.

你这么做得越多,你会越来越轻易地捕捉到你的浅意识活动。The more you do this, the easier it is to catch your unconsciousness when it is next triggered.

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在某种程度上来说,“张迷”就是部分读者在消费逻辑中的“集体无意识”的表现。The mania for Zhang, in a way, manifests such a collective unconsciousness in consumption logic.

在低氧浓度情况下,意识不清和死亡会在几秒钟内发生,而且没有警告。At low oxygen concentrations, unconsciousness and death may occur in seconds and without warning.

这能让人在10秒钟里失去知觉,但如果绳打的不对那就得多花点时间。This can cause unconsciousness in 10 seconds, but it takes longer ifthe noose is incorrectly sited.