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阀体类型可钻孔的全凸耳或对夹式。Body Styles Tapped full lug or wafer.

铜制品并镶有凸面不锈钢片。The brass body & stainless steel wafer.

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我非常喜欢吃巧克力威化。I like to eat chocolate wafer very much.

南亚发了一批晶圆给我们。Nanya forwarded a shipment of wafer to us.

这浪费了大概一半的晶圆材料。This wastes about half of the wafer material.

晶片的两面均包裹着催化剂。Different catalysts coat each side of the wafer.

这个圣代冰淇淋顶部覆盖着巧克力和威化饼干。The sundae was topped with chocolate and a wafer.

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对夹式结构也意味着阀门强度更高。The wafer design also means extra valve strength.

奥利奥巧克力威化是奥利奥家族的新成员。Oreo chocolate Wafer is a new member of the family.

对夹式止回阀是一种通用单向流体阀门。Wafer Check Valve is a universal one-way flow valve.

单晶硅的激光铣削试验研究。Experimental study of laser milling of silicon wafer.

肖特基二极管晶圆40密耳,150伏,1安培。Schottky Barrier Diode Wafer 40 Mils, 150 Volt, 1 Amp.

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电镀铜制品并使用不锈钢喷片。The nickel-coating brass body & stainless steel wafer.

电镀铜制品并镶有精密陶瓷片。The nickel-coating brass body & grinding ceramic wafer.

介绍零相位法石英晶片测试仪的设计。The design of quartz wafer measuring instrument is introduced.

工艺片在石英管内实现真正意义上的闭管扩散。Ensure real closing-tube diffusion on wafer inside quartz tube.

电镀铜制品并镶有平面不锈钢片。The nickel-coating brass body & grinding stainless steel wafer.

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伊智公司在晶圆探针台领域已经有超过40的年历史了。Electroglas has been in wafer prober business for over 40 years.

一种通常由不含糖的生面团做成的薄脆饼干。A thin, crisp wafer or biscuit, usually made of unsweetened dough.

量晶光电也是一家绿色能源环保公司。Quantum Wafer is an environment-friendly green technology company.