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您得到的不只是翻译。You'll get more from CanCan Translation.

强起立东风,惨惨梨花谢。Stand strong east wind, Cancan pear bloom.

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您得到的不只是翻译。You will get more from CanCan Translation.

电视正在播放一个关于灿灿的节目。There is a TV show about Cancan on right now.

康康舞就是从红磨坊那样的夜总会起源的。That's where the cancan was invented, in the club.

罐头工人把他们能做成罐头的东西制成罐头,不能把无法制成罐头的东西制成罐头。Canners can can what they can cancan not can things can't be canned.

如何修复错误与未定义的错误和设计轨道的康康舞?How to fix an error with undefined error with cancan and devise in rails?

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真的吗?那肯定很好看。我想象不出男人们跳康康舞的样子。Really? That would be a funny sight! I can't imagine men doing the cancan.

我怎么能知道如果一个用户可以访问所有或只是一些资源,餐餐?How can I know if a user has access to all or just some resources with Cancan?

最著名的康康舞作曲家是雅克奥芬巴赫,你听说过他吗?The most well-known cancan music composer was Jacques Offenbach, have you heard of him?

最著名的康康舞作曲家是雅克•奥芬巴赫,你听说过他吗?The most well-known cancan music composer was Jacques Offenbach, have you heard of him?

好主意,我想康康舞的音乐也很特别,与众不同。也许我们可以买张CD听听。Good idea. I think cancan music is also very special, very rec08p. isable. Maybe we can buy a CD of it.