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人爱放屁是好事吗?Is person love fart meddlesome ?

人头马一开,好事自然来。Remy Martin one, meddlesome nature comes.

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烦人的虫子!现在让你尝尝我的怒火!Meddlesome insects! Now you will feel my wrath!

你想知道的话,就上去抓一下那个胖子的胸部!You meddlesome words, go up to clutch that fatty's chest!

郑捷强调,是好事,就应该把它做好。Zheng Jie emphasizes, it is meddlesome , should have done it.

没有了痛的顾虑,粗自然是好事了。Did not have painful apprehension, thick nature is meddlesome.

但是现在,这个爱管闲事的臭虫所造成的恐怖感觉十倍于此啊。But now this meddlesome bedbug has inspired tenfold the terror.

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这爱管闲事的女人就用这种手段挑起他们夫妻这间的不和。By this means the meddlesome woman cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.

问题在于应该使公众舆论具有效力,而我们又免遭它的好管闲事之苦。The problem is to make public opinion efficient without suffering it to be meddlesome.

当一个爱管闲事的母亲和儿子注册同一间大学后,新世界和旧世界两种价值观就开始碰撞了。When a meddlesome mother enrolls in university with her son, old and new worlds collide.

钱还没分完,对广大音乐著作权所有人自然是好事。Money has not been divided, it is meddlesome to nature of everybody of broad music copyright.

货款保证委员会要求我们做的事,并不完全是毫无意义的或者是故意刁难的。Not everything that the Loan Guarantee Board asked us to do was trivial or unduly meddlesome.

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后来,有个喜欢多事的人,用船从外地运来了一头驴子,可是派不了什么用场。Later, a meddlesome man transported one by boat from somewhere else, but he found it of no use.

更糟糕的是,她是个爱管闲事老妈,不让小孩自己做任何事的那种。Worse, it’s like a meddlesome mother, the kind who can’t let her kids do anything on their own.

直到看见照片,我才意识到自己看上去就像一个擅自闯入的吉普赛算命人。It was only when I saw the photos that I realized I looked like a meddlesome gypsy fortune-teller.

我觉得这是好事,如果是正当行使职权,你怕什么?I feel this is meddlesome , if be proper exercise powers and authorities of office, what are you afraid of?

橱柜行业今年可谓好事连连,但也不免存在“添堵”的现象。Ambry industry it may be said is meddlesome this year again and again, but unavoidable also existence " add " phenomenon.

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我曾帮他们在国会批准通过必要的立法,并阻止了一些不适当的、干涉过多的法案通过。I had worked to help them get needed legislation through Congress and to prevent unduly meddlesome laws from being enacted.

当然,这些讨论多半是汽车生产商们想把那些“多管闲事”的政客们赶开而使用的伎俩。Of course, much of this is simply stonewalling by executives determined to keep meddlesome politicians out of their business.

“那就收起你那爱管闲事的舌头吧,”所罗门说,“你要想跟我说话就出来,付了酒钱出来吧。"Then hold your meddlesome tongue, " said Solomon, "and come out, if you want to speak to me. Pay for your wine, and come out.