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它被称为'来自迪尔伯恩的灾难'。It’s known as the 'disaster from Dearborn.'

穆拉利传唤的领导人福特的亚洲和欧洲的行动,以迪尔伯恩。Mulally summoned the leaders of Ford's Asian and European operations to Dearborn.

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那间房子只不过是3月30号在附近迪尔伯恩一宾馆里REDC拍卖的几十间房屋当中的一间。The house in Romulus was one of dozens REDC auctioned on March 30th at a hotel in nearby Dearborn.

冬天早晨寒冷时,霍布斯太太会先点上迪尔伯恩取暖器,开始准备早餐,然后才叫醒孩子。On frigid winter mornings, Mrs. Hobbs lit the Dearborn and started breakfast before she woke the boys.

他们没有对媒体表示什么,也没有对聚集在迪尔朋警察局外的群众说任何话。They did not talk to the media, or the crowd of onlookers who gathered outside the Dearborn police station.

他走到窗口,俯瞰下面的第尔蓬街,那车马往来的世界就吸住了他的注意。He went to the window and looked down into Dearborn Street, the world of traffic below holding his attention.

这些都意味着在Dearborn冲压厂,要有10条不同的分焊线生产5款不同的门。All of which means that at Dearborn Stamping, they’ve got 10 different subassemblies for five different door types.

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迪尔朋市否决了琼斯牧师站台抗议的申请,琼斯牧师声称他的抗议只是反对激进的穆斯林和伊斯兰教法。The city of Dearborn denied Jones’ request for a permit to stage his protest, which he claimed was against radical Islam and Sharia law.

Coyle和Hutchinson肯定不会象老福特那样漠视竞争对手,但是他们也绝不会恐惧他。Coyle and Hutchinson certainly do not reciprocate Mr. Ford's indifference to competition but they are by no means in mortal terror of the Man of Dearborn.

穆拉利在位于迪尔伯恩的福特总部的首要任务是调查福特为何失宠于客户。Mr Mulally's first task at Ford's glass- walled headquarters in Dearborn will be to examine how the company has managed to become so cut off from its customers.

这些年来,他目睹迪尔伯恩市阿拉伯社区的成长。He has watched the Arab-American community in Dearborn grow over the years, and the makeup of this year's football team is very different from his squad fifty years ago.

大商场就在这里,门口散放着运货的小车,还有长长的一列橱窗和成群的顾客。Without much thinking, she reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair store with its multitude of delivery wagons about its long window display, its crowd of shoppers.

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迪尔伯恩大街上汽车和自行车川流不息,情侣们在人行道上漫步,我们也是其中的一对,手牵手沐浴在上午的阳光里,最终可以让所有人见证我们的幸福。Cars and cyclistscruise along Dearborn while couples stroll down the sidewalks and there we arewith them, in the morning sunlight, hand in hand, finally together for anyone tosee.

根据Fields主管的说法,之前这次尝试之所以会失败是因为所谓的全球车型制定几乎都是在总部德尔班一地敲定的。The internal reason for the failure of previous attempts to make world cars, according to Mr Fields, is that decisions that were supposed to be global were mostly made in Dearborn.