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席夫·马利克其他新闻媒体于华盛顿联合报道Shiv Malik and agencies in Washington

另一名囚犯走近,迅速递给他一把尖刀。Another inmate approaches and quickly hands him a shiv.

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不过斯坦福大学教授希弗上周说,轻微的短缺状况会比低价形像的威力更大。But a little scarcity will triumph over a low-price image, says Stanford's Prof. Shiv.

显然,沙鲁克拒绝收回他的言论和进一步激怒湿婆军。Apparently, Shahrukh refused to retract his statements and that has further irked Shiv Sena.

珍佳然一整夜都联系不上西瓦,担心帕莱会抢走西瓦,大发脾气。Jane good, but can not contact all night shiv worry act of parliament will take west, lost his temper.

马哈拉施特拉邦的主要政治力量、强硬派的右翼印度教民族主义政党湿婆军支持抗议活动。Hardline Hindu nationalist party Shiv Sena, a dominant political force in Maharashtra, is backing the protests.

印度执政党国大党的高级官员指责湿婆军煽动集会以获取政治利益。Senior Indian officials from India's ruling Congress party accuse Shiv Sena of stoking the rallies for political gain.

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他合上了书,重复念着最后的一节,同时拿出一把粗制的尖刀,将刀刃插入表带之下,用袖子遮盖住。He closes the book, repeating the last passage and reveals a crude shiv. He slips the blade under his wristband and covers it with his sleeve.

为了促进马拉的本土饮食文化,希夫森纳维说,这是“一个的连锁店如麦当劳”出售热门地方的油炸小吃。To promote the food of the native Marathi culture, the Shiv Sena said it was "making a chain like McDonalds" to sell a popular local fried snack.

萨拉克故意引帕莱说出蔑视西瓦的话,并录像下来给西瓦看,要他采取措施赶走帕莱。Sarah, deliberately act of parliament say contempt shiv things, and video down to the west tile, asked him to take measures to push out the act of parliament.

2010年7月4日,外交部长杨洁篪在外交部会见印度总理特使、国家安全顾问梅农。On July 4, 2010, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met in the Foreign Ministry with Indian Prime Minister’s Special Envoy & National Security Advisor Shiv Shankar Menon.