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他想再把阿拉丁变成穷光蛋。He wanted to make Aladdin poor again.

阿拉丁乘着他的魔毯飞行。Aladdin is flying on his magic carpet.

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阿拉丁坐着他的魔力神毯飞向中国。Aladdin flew on his magic carpet to China.

点解个灯神可以样衰成咁!Aladdin must regain the lamp or lose everything.

但没有神灯,阿拉丁能做什么呢?But without his magic lamp , what could Aladdin do?

在一年之前,我们启动了一个叫“阿拉丁“的项目。About a year ago, we started a project called Aladdin.

难道一个阿拉伯裔美国人的孩子在见到阿拉丁后会感觉良好?Can an Arab-American child feel good after seeing Aladdin?

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阿拉丁照着做了。石头移动起来。然后地面开始打开了。Aladdin did so. The stone moved. And the ground began to open.

阿拉丁大喜过望,但不声不响地回到自己房间中。Aladdin was overjoyed, but, saying little, retired to his chamber.

阿巴那扎尔眼含热泪,阿拉丁的母亲也哭了起来。Abanazar had tears in his eyes and Aladdin 's mother began to cry too.

从那天起,阿拉丁就和白狄伦·布杜鲁公主幸福地生活在他们的宫殿里。From that day, Aladdin and Badr-al-Budur lived happily in their palace.

阿拉丁走后,白狄伦·布杜鲁公主就去了宫殿的花园里。After Aladdin left, Princess Badr-al-Budur went into the palace gardens.

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但只有阿拉丁和他母亲知道神灯和神灵的事。But only Aladdin and his mother knew about the magic lamp and the jinnee.

于是阿拉丁就让母亲去问一问公主是否愿意嫁给他。So Aladdin let his mother go to ask whether the princess would marry him.

阿拉丁去把那些在地下花园里摘到的果子拿了出来。Aladdin went away and got the fruit from the magic garden under the ground.

之后的每一天,阿拉丁和他妈妈都得到了精美的食物和金盘子。Every day after that, Aladdin and his mother got nice food and gold plates.

然后他们就开始逛市场,看了很多家商店。Then Abanazar and Aladdin walked through the market and looked at the shops.

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“听着,亲爱的,”阿拉丁说,“我要给你一些催眠药粉。Listen, my love, ' said Aladdin. ' I'm going to give you some sleeping-powder.

“拿好这药粉,”阿拉丁对公主说,“把它放进魔术师的食物里。Take this powder, " Aladdin said to the Princess. " Put it in the Magician's food.

当晚阿拉丁就和白狄伦·布杜鲁公主结了婚,他们住在新的宫殿里过着幸福的生活。That night Aladdin married Badr-al-Budur and they lived happily in the new palace.