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一群十一二岁的小学生。A group of preteen schoolchildren.

那时我不到十三岁,正坐在餐桌旁做家庭作业。I'm a preteen doing homework at the kitchen table.

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霍利特的两个接近青春期的女儿最初反对他们再婚。Mr. Hollett's two preteen daughters resisted the remarriage at first.

在加拿大,这个阶段的学生和十几岁的青少年都是青春期前的孩子。In Canada, students at that le vel are youth in their preteen years as well as teenagers.

他在开罗出生,10岁前在俄勒冈州待了几年,那时他父亲获得了哲学博士学位。Born in Cairo, he had spent a few years in Oregon as a preteen while his father earned a PhD.

通过这本在线杂志,你会发现原来为人父母也并非难事。This online magazine shows just how cool parenting can be, from pregnancy to the preteen years.

迪斯尼的仙女们在一系列被低龄女孩儿群体广泛喜爱的热门玩具和DVD直销电影中成为闪耀明星。The Disney Fairies star in a line of toys and direct-to-DVD movies popular among the preteen girl crowd.

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“对青春期前临时保姆最好的训练,就是让她们完成儿童看护课程,”哈克曼说。"The best training for preteen babysitters would be to have them complete a babysitting course," Hackman says

“对青春期前临时保姆最好的训练,就是让她们完成儿童看护课程,”哈克曼说。"The best training for preteen babysitters would be to have them complete a babysitting course, " Hackman says.

而Baker想到了他那处于青春期的儿子玩视频游戏时脸上那种紧张专注的表情,欣然表示同意。Baker, thinking about the intense focus he'd seen on the face of his preteen son when playing videogames, agreed.

新研究发现,那些穿性感衣服的十三岁以下的小女孩被认为在能力和品德上都不如那些穿适合自己年龄衣服的小孩。Preteen girls who dress in sexualized clothing are judged as less competent and less moral than kids in age-appropriate garb, new research finds.

有时,我的工作是教中年级的学生。在加拿大,这个阶段的学生和十几岁的青少年都是青春期前的孩子。Sometimes I worked with students at the intermediate level. In Canada, students at that level are youth in their preteen years as well as teenagers.

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他现在是一个彬彬有礼、在学校表现优异、富有创造力的少年,并且他已经摈弃了过去对待挫折的方法。He is now a preteen with excellent manners who does wonderfully at school, is very creative, and has outgrown the old ways he dealt with frustration.

杰克逊最早进入公众视线始于1969年,当时不满13岁的他被视为一个可爱的奇迹,是家庭乐队“杰克逊五兄弟”中天才型的早慧歌手。Jackson entered the public consciousness as an impossibly cute, preteen wonder in 1969, an unbelievably precocious singer in his family band, The Jackson 5.

1969年,杰克逊作为其家族乐团“杰克逊五兄弟”成员之一,以一个不可思议出色的可爱的神童歌手身份走入大众视线。Jackson came into our public consciousness as an impossibly cute preteen wonder in 1969, an unbelievably precocious singer of his family band, The Jackson 5.

凭借天生的直觉,艾米丽成功训练了这些小狗,同时也象其他十来岁的小孩一样,她害怕甜水农场之外的世界,担心不被别人注意和接受。Highly intuitive, especially with animals, Emily trains the puppies, aching, as only a preteen can, for attention and acceptance even as she fears the world beyond Sweetwater.

她从后边装货物的碎了的玻璃窗户爬出去,敏捷而矫健地攀上了已经恢复平衡的车顶,大声喊她的妈妈把两个小孩子抱起来。Pushing her way out the shattered back cargo window, the slight but athletic preteen scrambled on top of the SUV, which had righted itself, and yelled to her mother to hoist up the younger children.