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什么样子的行李?What kind of baggage?

我弄丢了行李牌。I lost my baggage tag.

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这些个是您的行李吗?。Bre these your baggage?

哪个行李是您的?Welke baggage is van u?

我找不着非主流闪图行李了。I can't find my baggage.

这就是我的行李。This is my very baggage.

这件行李我不托运。I wont check this baggage.

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行李房在哪里?B.Where's the baggage room?

我能用这辆行李车吗?Can I use the baggage cart?

我的行李尚未到达。My baggage hasn't ar rived.

行李房在哪里?Where is the baggage claim?

请你帮我提行李好吗?Will you carry my baggage ?

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我能用这辆行李车吗?Can I use this baggage cart?

请问可以把行李寄放在这里吗?。May I leave my baggage here?

请描述一下您的行李,好吗?Can you descibe your baggage?

冷心肠的小贱人!Cold-blooded little baggage !

这是我的行李提领牌。This is my baggage claim tag.

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我们思想上的包袱太多了。We just have so much baggage.

我所有的行李都被偷了。All of my baggage were stolen.

您的行李只有两个包吗?Is your baggage only two bage?