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从存储库签出代码。Check-out code from a repository.

园内设立骨灰存放处。Park set up the ashes repository.

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未完结的文章存放处。Not the end of the article repository.

浏览到存储库所在的路径。Browse to the path for your repository.

扳本库没有创建,创建后问题解决了。This repository has not been created yet.

现在已经配置了数据库存储库。The database repository is now configured.

在存储库中维护文件的修订。Maintains revisions of files in a repository

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每个通道都有自己的Mercurial仓库。Each channel has its own Mercurial repository.

从一个远程代码存储库中签出源代码。Check out source from a remote code repository.

EA模型被存储于基于MOF的仓库中。EA models are stored in an MOF-based repository.

存储库读和写操作是原子的。Repository read and write operations are atomic.

JLM是关于此工具的资料仓库。JLM is a repository of information about the tool.

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依赖项的按行分隔的存储库清单Line-separated list of repository for dependencies

这里的关键之处是拥有公共规则存储库。The key here is to have a common rules repository.

在数据库存储库中尚没有任何用户。There are no users in the database repository yet.

服务器和资源库名称拼写是否正确?Are the server and repository names spelled correctly?

存储库由一个关系数据库提供后端支持。The repository is back-ended by a relational database.

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把术语和类别上传到元数据存储库中Upload terms and categories to the metadata repository

丢失的手稿在法国的一个存放处被找到了。The lost manuscript was found in a repository in France.

第二,储存库将提供版本支持。Secondly, the repository will provide versioning support.