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布雷泽从不相信命运。Blazer never believed in destiny.

他穿一件黑色运动夹克,脚蹬白色耐克鞋。He was wearing a black blazer and white Nikes.

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他接下来的一个生日,我给他买了一个新的蓝火。For his next birthday I bought him another blazer.

她写道,希拉里“身穿黑色上衣和一件玫瑰红色的外套。Clinton wore "a rose-colored blazer over a black top.

你认为你丈夫的那件红色方格子夹克衫怎么样。What do you really think of your husband's red plaid blazer?

下身穿牛仔裤或休闲裤,上身穿件讲究的衬衫配夹克或宽松的外衣。Wear jeans or casual pants and a nice shirt and a jacket or a blazer.

我喜欢他穿T恤的样子,可能是毛线衣配明色的夹克或者皮夹。I love how he wears T-shirts, maybe a sweater with a blazer or leather jacket.

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她穿着夹克上衣和牛仔裤,31岁的科克伦,站在自己研究生的旁边。Dressed in a white blazer and jeans, Cochran, 31, was flanked by graduate students.

它与亮色或印花服装搭配,又或者是穿在西装里面都很漂亮。It looks great paired with brights or prints or peeking out from underneath a blazer.

就好像,比如说,那个春天一个衣着时髦穿着一件粉色运动夹克的家伙敲了他们的家门。Like, for instance, the spring day a dashing fellow in a pink blazer knocked on their door.

一条有亮点的宽腰带和束腰的羊毛衫是很好的解毒剂。A wide belt, nipped-in blazer or a cardigan that ties at the waist are the perfect antidote.

我现在的装束就是找人特制的红色的外套,接着我找来了一顶红色的镶有白色球队标志的火箭的帽子。I had a red blazer made from my tailors and then I found a red Rockets hat with a white logo.

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颜色鲜艳的夹克能很好地把你的大肚腩隐藏起,让你充满自信地穿上合身的衣服。A cover-up blazer hides your behind and gives you the confidence to wear a body-fitting dress.

既然这两位时尚风格南辕北辙,又是怎么会同时爱上这一件浅粉色西装呢?So who knew that such disparate fashion plates could find common ground in a light pink blazer?

等进到一个昏暗的凹室,他脱下外套,显出了穿在里面的蓝色上衣。Stepping into a darkened alcove, he shed his coat, revealing the blue blazer he wore underneath.

好像他小跑跟在我身后,他那海军蓝的上衣随风飘动,只是为了逼我把事实说出来。It would be like him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me.

它坐在椅凳上,双手拘谨的交握在腿上,并且穿著鲜豔的粉红色上衣、灰色宽松便裤。Seated on a stool with hands folded primly on its lap, it wore a bright pink blazer and gray slacks.

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对于男士而言,便装日可以穿着卡其布的裤子,纽扣领的衬衫或者不打领带的西装衬衫,运动夹克和休闲鞋。For men, that would be khaki slacks, a button-down or dress shirt without a tie, a blazer and loafers.

如果你处在一个更宽松自由的领域�,则可以尝试一下穿上修身的牛仔裤和结构感突出的外衣。But if you work in a more casual profession, try upgrading a sleek pair of jeans with a structured blazer.

即使这件双排扣西装不适合你,也可以留意那件没有系领带的中规中矩的带纽扣衬衫。Even if the doublebreasted blazer look is not for you, take note of the preppy buttonedup shirt minus tie.