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我写过的许多书经常会横跨奇思妙想与忠告之间的界限。I've written a lot of books that straddle the line between whimsy and advice.

有用性可能会有益于效用的增加,但是风格、潮流、想法同样可以。Usefulness might contribute to utility, but so does style, fashion, or even whimsy.

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我们刚到的时候,里面空荡荡的,没什么人,我们就花了大把的时间在自己的神游和奇思妙想里。The store was empty when we first arrived, giving us time to peruse at our own whimsy.

美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的老人却是艺术的杰作。Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art.

客房的设计用色奔放、颇见巧思,例如采用玻璃作为围板的浴室。Guestrooms are designed with touches of whimsy and bold color including glass-enclosed bathrooms.

我想你会感谢他让你一个人,按照自己的节奏探索,深浅都由你的意愿决定。I think you'd appreciate being left alone to explore at your own pace, to delve as deeply or shallowly as whimsy strikes you.

一次法国度假让您尽情探索奇幻凡尔赛、发现无穷魅力。Spend your France family holiday exploring the magical world of Versailles, and discover a place of endless charm and whimsy.

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这个人像展现出经典的皇室流行与习俗,以及他们那具有奇特风味和幽默的传统服饰。The figure portrays the classical fashion and mores of the royalty and their traditional dress interplayed with whimsy and humor.

然而,这样做也会将智慧、幽默感和趣味性从汉语当中剥离。同时,汉语对新观念和新用法的适应力和包容力也会丧失殆尽,这就更不用说了。But those impulses can also strip a language of its wit, whimsy , and play, not to mention its capacity to accommodate new concepts and usages.

马克的画作,令人进入延迴曲折的记忆幻觉。令人平行回到1950年代黄金书的时空和想起了李维丝卡罗的奇幻。Mark's paintings instantly trigger a warped deja vu. His work recalls a parallel universe of 1950s Golden Books and the whimsy of Lewis Carroll.

然而,徜徉于“老爷车怀旧之旅”时,我们更像是在体会美国几十年来对古巴贸易禁运的后果。But romanticizing the whimsy of classic American cars is to romanticize the decades-old trade embargo that the United States has imposed on Cuba.

冬宫占了整整一个街区,浸淫着巴洛克时代特有的奇想和虚饰。房檐上一字排开的雕像似乎就要纵身跃入涅瓦河中。Filling an entire block, it bears all the whimsy and ornamentation of the baroque period, and statues line its roof edges like divers about to plunge into the Neva.