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它包含两部分So, Newtonian mechanics has two parts.

我们先来看看牛顿力学So, Newtonian mechanics is our first topic.

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看到了吗,这就是牛顿力学的一个例子See, that's an example of Newtonian mechanics.

牛顿动力学体系由两部分组成The cycle of Newtonian dynamics has two parts.

水和柴油都是牛顿流体的例子。Water and diesel oil are examples of Newtonian fluids.

这里是一个牛顿力学问题的简单例子Here's a simple example of a complete Newtonian problem.

这就好比是谈,牛顿的力学系统。It is a Newtonian system from the mechanical standpoint.

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从假设3我们可以知道,牛顿力学在这儿是适用的。Out of postulate three it says Newtonian mechanics applicable.

这就是牛顿力学的运用,我刚刚做了什么呢So, that was Newtonian mechanics at work, because what did I do?

通过对实验数据关联得到牛顿流体功率准数关联式。The correlated equation of power number for Newtonian is obtained.

我听说过牛顿,可一点儿也不懂牛顿力学。I knew the name Isaac Newton, but nothing about Newtonian Mechanics.

马克斯·普朗克确立了量子理论,从而颠覆了牛顿的宇宙学说。Max Planck founded quantum theory, and thus wrecked the Newtonian universe.

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新的宇宙和上帝不再那么刻板、僵硬,象牛顿的世界那样。The new versions were not so rigid and deterministic as the Newtonian world.

这是康德将牛顿理论运用到太阳系演进运动中的一个尝试。He attempted to utilize the Newtonian theory to evolution of the solar system.

我们首先学习的是,牛顿力学So we are going to be studying in the beginning what's called Newtonian mechanics.

凯什兰博士认为,这将是菲涅尔视觉超越牛顿的设计的一大优点。That, Dr Koechlin reckons, gives Fresnel optics a big advantage over Newtonian ones.

韦斯特福尔是当代著名的科学史家,尤其以对牛顿的研究著称。R. S. Westfall was a famous historian of science, especially for his Newtonian study.

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速度接近光速时,牛顿力学就超出适用范围了。Once your speed approaches the speed of light then Newtonian mechanics no longer works.

我们等下回头再讲,不过你们要理解牛顿力学的体系框架We'll come back to that, but you have to understand the structure of Newtonian mechanics.

呼吸道模型是玻璃直圆管,以具有生物流体性质的机油作为阻塞液。A circular rigid glass tube was used as the airway, and Newtonian motor oil the lining liquid.