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此外,斯皮瓦克还指出了属下不能被代言的问题。Spivak also points out that the Subaltern cannot be spoken for.

还有,因此,一个中尉的官员和工作人员的各种文士。There is, therefore, a staff of subaltern officials and scribes of all sorts.

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其属下教育理论对中国的教育有重要的启示作用。Her subaltern educational theory has brought new insight to the education in China.

它和下述问题有密切联系,“庶民以哪种语言讲话?It has to do most vividly with the very question, "Which language should the subaltern speak in?"

而霍米,巴巴,则站在殖民地,庶民的主体位置。Then Homi Bhabha obviously in a variety of ways takes up the subject position of the colonized, of the subaltern.

而中国的底层主要是在农村、农民是最大的一个底层群体。We also notice that the largest group of so-called subaltern exists in the vast countryside, with its biggest population peasants.

认为属下教育就是要对属下的欲望进行重组,目的在于让他们进入公共空间,实现社会流动。Through uncoercive rearrangement of the desires, the subaltern is likely to enter the public sphere and get room for upward mobility.

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如果把底层视为一种征兆,在其形式的背后,隐匿的则是政治和经济层面的变革。If we regard the subaltern as a symptom, then what is actually behind this symptom is dramatic political and social changes that happened in China.

另一方面,市场经济改革拉大了社会各阶层的差距,底层的话题日渐凸显出来。On the other hand, market-oriented economic reform increasingly widened the gaps between different social classes. As a result, the discussion on subaltern began to surface.

你们应该一直很清楚的是,托尼是一个美籍意大利人,有着复杂的中尉性格,一方面,他相信美国梦。It should have been perfectly plain to you all along that Tony is an Italian American with the complex personality of the subaltern On the one hand, he believes in the American dream.