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和墙上的那个骚货!And that cupcake on the wall.

吃一块蛋糕还是吃一个苹果?Eating a cupcake or an apple?

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你是不想看到像山墩那样的纸杯蛋糕的。You don't want your typical mounded cupcake.

52英里还是一个双层巧克力蛋糕?Fifty-two miles or a double chocolate cupcake?

于是,我几乎是逼着他下来买个纸杯蛋糕。So I pretty much forced him to come down and buy a cupcake.

来吧,试吃一下。混酒面粉加枫蜜培根的特制春假小蛋糕。All right, here, taste it. My beer-batter, maple bacon, spring break cupcake.

昨晚,当我在看电视剧的时候,我发现了一种新的食物,那就是纸杯蛋糕。Last night, when I saw the TV series, I find a new food, that is the cupcake.

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欢迎来到纸杯蛋糕制作中心!自选机上的点单会出现在这个屏幕上。Welcome to cupcake central! The order from the ATM comes up on this screen here.

纸杯蛋糕店已经开始在全国各地营业了。有些甚至在车上营业。Cupcake stores have opened in cities around the country. Some are even on wheels.

克丽斯蒂说是山姆想到这个主意的,因为他不想自己去商店里买纸杯蛋糕。Kristi says Sam got the idea because he did not want to go to a store to get a cupcake.

节目展示了纸杯蛋糕就像蛋糕一样,但是有点不同。The show shows me that the cupcake is just like the cake, but it is a little different.

当你手上具有这款庆典蛋糕纸板展架时,一场聚会便能停止的成功非常。A party is always in the making when you have the Celebration Cupcake Stand Kit on hand.

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嘿,也许你甚至建立了一个花盆炉,倒在蛋糕平底锅一些锭。Hey, maybe you've even built a flowerpot furnace and poured some ingots in cupcake pans.

现将糊状物用勺子舀进杯子蛋糕的模具中,将他们盛满杯子模具的2/3处。Ladle the batter into the cupcake liners, filling them about two-thirds of the way full.

在去年谷歌10岁生日当天,Google图标中的第一个字母“o”被换成了一个杯形蛋糕。For its tenth birthday last year the first letter "o" in Google was replaced with a cupcake.

据凤凰新时代报道,女孩们还把带有万字符号的照片发到快拍上。The girls uploaded photos of the swastika cupcake to Snapchat, according to Phoenix New Times.

你是人,你只能活一次,并且生活很精彩,所以就吃这该死的红天鹅绒蛋糕吧。You’re a human being, you live once and life is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake.

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也可以邀请你的两个最喜爱的同事到自己的小天地里进行一个小型的派对。It could be a small cupcake party that you host for your two favorite coworkers in your cubicle.

几分钟之内,你便能做出一个漂亮而多彩的三层蛋糕,当然这个蛋糕还带有一个有趣的有装饰性的大礼帽。In minutes, you can create a bright and colorful 3-tier cupcake stand with a fun decorative topper.

如果您喜欢“奥利奥”饼干,您将会爱上这个纸杯蛋糕!If you like Oreo cookies, you will love this cupcake. Oreos are crushed and blended into a moist cake.