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但是性爱主义倾向的主张却让她迷惑。But claims of eroticism puzzled her.

他的基督教信仰开始渗透出情欲。His Christian belief began to bleed into eroticism.

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在你看来,性冲动和性爱也包括在这种不快里面吗?In your view, does this awfulness include eroticism and love?

性感这东西对他说来是危险的,在他的思想方法中是不体面的。Eroticism was, in some way, dangerous business, unseemly to his way of thinking.

轻松的旋律和节奏安排甚至给我们一种非常愉悦的感觉。The easy rhythm and pop arrangement even instill a feeling of musical eroticism.

导演河野认为,老年人性爱正在吸引年轻观众。Director Gaichi Kono says the eroticism of elders is captivating to younger viewers.

画家们把她描绘为裸胸垂死的贪欲的女王。And painters alluded to her eroticism in their bare breasted portrayals of the dying queen.

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这类可食用内衣当中,最受欢迎的是樱桃口味。This is eroticism at its best. The most popular flavor of this edible underwear is actually cherry.

每个人都知道性爱是什么。所以我们没有必要谈论这个。每个人在性爱方面都有自己的看法。Everyone knows what eroticism is. There's no need to talk about it. Everyone has their own sense of the erotic.

宋玉的女性意识使其赋在描写女性题材方面成了文人艳情文学的百代祖。Songyu's ode becomes the primogenitor of eroticism literature in describing female theme due to her female consciousness.

波霸诱惑是一个能够带来兴奋和刺激的游戏,拥有好运气才能欣赏丰满的美女哦!BabeMachine is a unique combination of an exciting game and tingling eroticism . Crack the jackpot and enjoy bosomy girls!

画中隐约的情欲导致了许多裸体版本的产生、有些产生于同一时代,经常被认为是列奥纳多自己所作。The subtle eroticism of the figure leads to many nude variations, some done almost contemporaneously and often attributed to Leonardo himself.

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我又为什么要加入希望把一切都变得有棱有角的人们的行列呢?We are even aroused by round forms in species propagation related eroticism. Why should I join the straying mass who want to make everything angular?

拜占庭奢华的艺术形式,他的用色生动,并有丰富的象征性,使他成为了克里姆特最受欢迎的艺术家之一。The Byzantine luxuriance of form, the vivid juxtaposition of colours and the rich symbolism, sensuality and eroticism of his work have made Klimt one of the most popular artists in the world.

我也希望,你们在阅读时注意到那一章,就是曾经萨尔去找迪安时,迪安又一次是光着身子,开的门,我希望你们注意到这一点,这是第三次,我们看到这一幕,所以他们对彼此有着性欲。And I hope, as you are reading, you notice that chapter opening where once again Dean appears at the door when Sal shows up, and he's totally naked.I hope you noticed that. It's the third time that we see that so there is an eroticism between them.